CDE Solaris
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CDE Solaris

Updated Nov 25, 2002 by Sztolu

Comment #1 Monday, November 25, 2002 5:19 PM
We use CDE and were joking just the other day about making a Solaris skin. Great job!
Comment #2 Tuesday, November 26, 2002 8:00 AM
Accurate rendition ... but WHY? I have to use CDE at work, but there is no need to inflict this on innocents!

(BTW, CDE sucks the same on HP and AIX too.)
Comment #3 Tuesday, November 26, 2002 10:20 AM
Yes, I worked on Sun and Aix for some time and I liked CDE. Thanks, Bangkokboy!

Thanks for comment, mmekota! Why CDE? Becuase I like the way it looks on my Jornada. I do not inflict to anybody this skin. It is your decision to download it or not and use it or discard it from your Dashboard!
I don't think that CDE sucks, but this is my personal impression.
Bye for now!
Comment #4 Wednesday, December 4, 2002 2:59 PM
confession: I actually sidestep CDE at login and run OpenWin, but this skin looks great on my ipaq. Glad you did it.
Beth Lang
Comment #5 Monday, January 6, 2003 9:45 AM
My son (9 yrs) likes this skin because of the one, two, three, four(I agree). It makes it very easy for him to find my games. He wants me to use your skin all of the time.

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