Bringing Fences 4 to the Office

Fences 4 is ready to transform your corporate desktop into a productivity powerhouse for both Windows 10 and Windows 11 users

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 by BradSams | Discussion: Stardock Blog

Keeping your Windows desktop organized is a key part of staying productive at work. After all, if you spend hours looking for a document - or worse, you can't find it at all - that’s lost time that you can never recover.

Fences is the premier application for enhancing your productivity and keeping your desktop organized. Utilized by companies large and small, Fences has transformed how desktops can evolve from being a place to store shortcut icons to being a fully deployed interface for quickly accessing content on local and shared drives. Fences makes it possible to efficiently organize content on your desktop, and also makes it faster to access your content with the peek feature.

This month, we have been working to make Fences 4 ready for corporate deployments and we are happy to announce that the product is now ready for your office. You can purchase Fences 4 with single or multiple key activations, which eases the friction of deployments - and, of course, we continue to support advanced configurations for even easier fleet management.

For organizations thinking of upgrading to Windows 11, Fences 4 is the only version of the software that supports Microsoft's newest OS. Like our other corporate software, Fences 4 purchases include 1 year of premium support and maintenance.

We see Fences used in all types of industries, from manufacturing all the way to kiosk-like environments where clients need a Windows desktop to remain static with respect to where icons and files are located. One of the unique ways that Fences is used is with a shared OneDrive folder portal on the desktop – this allows you to easily sync files across several devices, but always have the content visible on every desktop.

To learn more about Fences 4, you can check out the product page; corporate pricing starts at $14.99 for a perpetual license with volume discounts available as well.

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