Customizing - Not only for software

Skinning the iPod

Tuesday, July 5, 2005 by Thomas Thomassen | Discussion: OS Customization

Slashdot featured an aritcle today about this guy who made a new cover for his iPod in wood. What's really impressive is that the thickness of the cover is 2mm. (In imperial measurement it is... erh... very very thin.) The article features some nice closeup pictures of the finished product as well as pictures and description of how he made it.
Phantom Puppet
Reply #1 Sunday, July 10, 2005 6:15 AM
Pretty Cool.

Some people have even managed to get Linux running on an iPod.
Reply #2 Sunday, July 10, 2005 2:12 PM
2mm. (In imperial measurement it is... erh... very very thin.)

That would be 0.07874 inches or approx. 5/64 .

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