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Updated Jan 20, 2009 by sharkgr8

Larry Felty
Comment #1 Thursday, January 22, 2009 10:39 PM
Get rid of the religious garbage! I would not put this crap on my PC if you payed me!
Comment #2 Saturday, January 24, 2009 6:27 AM
[quote][/quote] www.islamway.comWWW Link
Comment #3 Sunday, January 25, 2009 5:37 AM
Do You really Believe in God !!!!!!! because Jesus Christ is the ONLY ONE who do not do a sin but With all my respect to your religious beliefs,your fake prophet Mohammed do all the Sins,for example fornication with any woman who wants to sleep with,marry a little Girl who was 9 years old at the time He was about 58 or 59 years old,Killing a thousands of Men and capture Women and children in order to sell them and Buy Weapons and supplies to his army,invade many Countries,Homesexuality,Killing non believers (Jews and Christians MOST WANTED),LOTS AND LOTS Of the way the bootskin you made it says (God is bigger) Or (God bigger) because (Arabs before Islam used to worship a God called Bigger so Muslims till now are worshipping the same God Bigger So You and all the Muslims believe In Bigger not God.
Comment #4 Monday, January 26, 2009 11:30 PM
sharkgr8: Concerning your (I'm sure well-meaning) bootskin, "Allah-hu-Akbar," the problem here is not that you might like to share a religious theme with others. No one is trying to be a snob or bigot. It is because of the stigma attached to anything Islamic. This same statement, "Allah Akbar," is what those throughout the world cry out before they blow themselves up along with everyone else - all in the name of God. This has muddied the acceptance or tolerance of many toward peaceful Muslim believers. It's not persecution, it's distain for the evilness perpetrated in the name of religion. No one wants anything to do with a religion that teaches that Allah, or God, would encourage and reward believers for killing in his name. The majority of the rest of the world know of a loving God that sent His Son, Jesus, and whom was an example of the love we are to show to all men. You can thank the roots of the Moslem religion along with its religious teachers and those Islamic murderers too numerous to number for the sentiment expressed here. But as an individual we wish you well.
Comment #5 Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:43 AM
Please don't debate religious matters if you are not a scholar. Especially quoting things that you have very little knowledge of it. A little knowledge is dangerous to everybody, Muslims or non-Muslims. sharkgr8 posted the bootskin for those who like it. If you don't like it then don't download it.
Comment #6 Saturday, February 14, 2009 9:40 PM
Did the guy that you call God on earth, not regarding that he is the son of Man teached you love the others as you love yourself or speak without a scholar background about things that you do not even know ??? Mr BandTNT !!! Please explain !
Comment #7 Thursday, March 10, 2011 5:24 AM

Pfft, grow the hell up! He made it for the people who like it, if u don't like it then fuck off! And BandTNT what you stated didn't make any sense cause that's not the truth! Go read some real history instead of the Jewish Zionist made one.  People these days...

Comment #8 Wednesday, April 10, 2013 2:58 PM

Esselamu Alejkum my brother tnx for this skin it's beautifull .

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