Average Rating: 6
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File Size: .03MB
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Updated Oct 05, 2004 by olivette

Comment #1 Tuesday, October 5, 2004 9:51 AM
Nice logon
TN Brat!
Comment #2 Tuesday, October 5, 2004 5:08 PM
I think this deserves a higher rating...it's different from what we uaually see for boot skins and I think, that it turned out kind of cool looking!
Lady D
Comment #3 Tuesday, October 5, 2004 11:34 PM
I don't know if anyone else is having trouble with there Bootscreens but i hope some one can help me.Every since i got Microsoft new SP2 running on my computer i have not been able to use the cool bootscreens here at WinC. When i try my computer will not start normaly.I must turn off the Bootscreen program so that i can use my computer at all.Do any of you know of a solution for this? I would really like to use this cool program & all the Great Bootscreens that are made here at WinC again.Thank you for all the help you can give.
TN Brat!
Comment #4 Wednesday, October 6, 2004 1:35 AM
I've had the same problem! Over and over again! The only thing that works for me is I use an old version I burned on CD back in like January.
I've tried all three of the versions availabe at this link https://www.stardock.com/products/bootskin/
I don't know what the difference between the version I have and any of them but I've not been able to use any of them, the thigs is I WAS to be able to use it before I reformated my computer, so I tried the one I burned...and it works!
I've tried to get help about this too, several times, but no one talking...they just ignor me...If you get some help, please pass it my way...also someone else emailed me with the same problem....Brano27...So it's not only us...
Comment #5 Wednesday, October 6, 2004 10:34 AM
Thank's folks for the kind words on my bootskin. Much appreciated. I thought it might garner a better than 6 rating too, but I'n not the jury apparently

For those who are wallowing in microsoft hell with failing bootscreen app's... Seems like XP's SP2 is a nighmare that I am certainly willing to wait on loading! All ya hear out here is grief about it. Perhaps the reason bootskins are not loading is because they are unsigned - therefore potentially 'harzardous' scripts - according to microsoft's new SP2 rules. Dunno why your old version of bootskin may be overcoming that mine field TNBrat??? But meanwhile, hang onto it for dear life!
Wish I could help ya mo, howz about heading into the chat area (in the WC browser) and hollar up a WC tech? Betcha they've got the same issues ya'll do, and then some. xx0x0xx

Comment #6 Monday, September 7, 2009 6:57 AM
klimatyczne, szkoda ze kolor nieba tak bardzo ucierpial na kompresji

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