Nintendo XP
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Nintendo XP

Updated Feb 07, 2007 by Jdunk30

Skinned Alive
Comment #1 Wednesday, February 7, 2007 6:26 PM
You really need to make sure and put what the actual image is going to look like for people to know.
For those of you wanting to know, here's what it really looks like:

Ha ha..I got to him before you Steve!�� (Cavan1)<--- Those who don't know.

Other than that, I really love it! Brings back them Old School memories. I love the work you did on the Progress Bar also.
You obviously have some sort of Image Editing Program to create your Progress Bar. Why don't you convert your images using your program? It looks like you used Stardock's free BootSkin converter. If you save your image as a GIF image in your Image Editing Program, chances are it'll let you cut the colors down to 16. After that, just resave the GIF image as a BMP. Any Image Editing Program that allows images to be saved as 16 Color GIFs can do WAY heck of a better job than Stardock's free BootSkin Creator.�
Skinned Alive
Comment #2 Wednesday, February 7, 2007 7:03 PM
Here is the same Image taken from your Preview Pic, run through my Photo Editing Program, and converted into 16 colors. Notice the difference?

Comment #3 Wednesday, February 7, 2007 10:19 PM
big difference SA,
yes JDunk30, you're supposed to upload the 16 color preview image of your bootskin,
people want to know what the bootskin is going to look like exactly.
You're preview image leads people to believe it will look that good when it's used and as SA has shown above, it will definitely not look as good as the preview image.
Comment #4 Thursday, February 8, 2007 5:06 AM
I'll remember that for my next skin. I work with Macromedia Fireworks and haven't figured out how to get the 16 bit to save as a 16 bit it just automatically goes 256 color, But I'll try the gif way. Thanks
Comment #5 Thursday, February 8, 2007 5:55 PM
you could always export from fireworks as a full color image (or whatever setting you use) and use free software like Irfanview to decrease the image color to 16bit. I use Irfanview alot and it works great.

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