Windows for Dumbies
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Windows for Dumbies

Updated Mar 09, 2007 by Jdunk30

Skinned Alive
Comment #1 Saturday, March 10, 2007 9:47 AM
Would love to have a Progress Bar but other than that, Great Job on the image rendering Josh!
And great concept also!�
I see you've found a way to make those images look GREAT!�
Comment #2 Saturday, March 10, 2007 12:36 PM
Thanks, I had a progress bar but when i tested it booting it didn't want to work right. The color would go funky, but luckily i tested on boot up because it showed fine in the Boot skin preview window. I used IrfanVeiw and it works pretty good.
Skinned Alive
Comment #3 Saturday, March 10, 2007 6:19 PM
Very good my good man!
Yes, IrFanView does do a great job reducing to 16 colors.
All you have to do is make sure that the order of your Color Palette on your BootScreen matches the exact same order and exact same colors as that on your Progress Bar's Color Palette.
The very first color in the Color Palette is called the "Master Color", and that will determine what the background color of the Progress Bar will be when the Progress Bar moves along and over the Background.
You'll get it.
You've already conquered the first problem.
After the Progress Bar, you'll be on a roll!�

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