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Updated Sep 10, 2001 by Glen Eric Reed

Comment #1 Monday, September 10, 2001 3:54 PM
Hi Glen! Nice Work!
BTW, I think the PPC2002 is in general only a Software face lift.
I read that it might be possible to upgrade when having the required Flash ROM Memory and Minimum 32MB RAM.
It's an "in between version" until Talisker come out.
(But I'm not shure about this)
Comment #2 Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:34 AM
From what I've read, it is mainly a face lift (like Windows 95 to 98). BUT, it's the first to require an ARM processor, making the MIPS in the Cassiopeias basically obsolete. I think the bare minimum is 16MB of flash ROM ... but again, makes no difference to me.

Hell, throw in Dashbar, WISBar, and ProgramMenu, and I'll live without PPC2K

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