Sputnik TimeZones
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Sputnik TimeZones

Updated Dec 14, 2003 by pjpowell

Comment #1 Saturday, December 27, 2003 9:16 PM
this is simple, elegent, and VERY useful
Comment #2 Saturday, July 31, 2004 3:33 PM
it is a mystery to me why this has so few downloads or comments.

this single item is the only reason i even have DX on my computer. true, until DX finally produced the ability to show and hide my DX widgets with the keyboard i had given up using this, since it was taking up to much of my limited screen space being always on top *sigh*

and if i hid it... well, it wasnt a lot of use to me.

now it is back, and i can put it to proper use

and i can name the people i have each time zone showing for, total success
Comment #3 Wednesday, January 4, 2006 1:08 PM
This has worked out to be a great tool. I do business with other parts of the world and this sure saves me a lot of grief figuring out what time it is in other countries. Thanks for a great tool Any possibility in adding opacity and shadow controls?
Comment #4 Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:50 AM
Will look into widgetizing it which will provide that capability.

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