Binary Clock
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Binary Clock

Updated Mar 30, 2004 by Tombalaci

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Comment #21 Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:29 AM
Two very good questions. Here are the answers:

1. Right click on your desktopX icon in system tray and "List Objects". Select the object named "Weirdclock1" and go to its properties (double-click). Then go to the "Relation" tab and Visible: Yes.

2. In the same objects list window, all of the Min, Sec and Hour objects. They go from 1 to 6. Then right click and de "Scripts Enabled". Once the scripts are disabled, you can and move them around just like other objects. To reenable the run-away action, them again, right-click and "Scripts Enabled".

Comment #22 Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:45 PM
dumb question? shouldnt there be four rows?
Comment #23 Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:59 PM
Uhm, no. Why should there be four rows? 3 rows with 2 columns each per number being represented (hour, minute, second) is enough to handle binary numbers up to 2^6. That is 64, which is greater than 24, 60, and 60.

Not a dumb question, though... No question is dumb.
Comment #24 Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:05 PM
I used to be able to read small binary like this with no problem. It's been awhile. This is very inventive. Thanks.
Comment #25 Friday, April 2, 2004 3:53 AM
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! This is the sound of the Old Crab going bonkers!!!

I've got the real thing with the instructions even and I can't make heads nor tails out of it.

Crab rated: 8.83
Comment #26 Friday, April 2, 2004 10:26 AM
I've ban rackin my brain on this one,
Please, Please give me a hint...
Comment #27 Friday, April 2, 2004 3:29 PM
Hmm, the first two columns indicate the hour of the day in 24 hour format, the second two minutes, the third two seconds. You add up the lit up bubbles but each bubble has a different value:

O 32 added (not used for hour) O 16 added
O 8 added O 4 added
O 2 added O 1 added

So if the lower right one is lit and the middle left one is lit for the hour six-pack, it is 9 o'clock in the morning. You just do the math like that.

It is quite hard to explain it in words if you are not familiar with binary numbers. Still, I hope that helps...
Comment #28 Saturday, April 3, 2004 7:35 PM
Well, quite used to it now. I'm having a real problem with lagging while dragging windows across this. Not anything you did wrong, but I'm curious if disabling the 'seconds' would cure that. I've given a cursory glance over the script, but I wouldn't want to fool with it...I'd break it

If you could give me a hint, I'd appreciate it.
Comment #29 Saturday, April 3, 2004 7:37 PM
Actually, I kind of cheated I re-arranged the circles so that the entire top row is hours, middle row is minutes and bottom row is seconds. Made it easier for me to read it.
Comment #30 Sunday, April 4, 2004 1:38 AM
Thanks, I can add, eh , seems simple now
Comment #31 Sunday, April 4, 2004 12:15 PM
Well, as it turns out, your DXObject works great. I had turned it into a widget and that is what is causing the severe screen lag.
Comment #32 Sunday, April 4, 2004 11:52 PM
Bender50: to myself for succeeding to explain. j/k Enjoy...

werewolf: One way to improve the performance would be to disable the scripts on each bubble that makes them move the way they do. That should save some CPU cycles for you. As long as the WeirdClock1 object has its script running, the clock will work. The clock itself doesn't have any significant hit at all since it only kicks in every 1 second. You shouldn't even be able to notice it. Good idea with rearranging the circles.
Comment #33 Tuesday, April 6, 2004 10:56 AM
One thing I find interesting about this clock, is that I can take it completely apart, and have dots spread across my monitor, all blinking in seemingly random patterns. Really makes people think "Wtf?!" when they see it.
Comment #34 Tuesday, April 6, 2004 12:58 PM
True, but as long as you can read things...
Comment #35 Wednesday, April 7, 2004 9:34 AM
I could never get the hang of it. I just have it because it looks really cool.
Comment #36 Friday, April 9, 2004 7:01 AM
CerebroJD, give my Binary Clock a try. It's a bit easier to read as you basically just add the lit LED's in each column to get the value of that column. This is the super geek Binary Clock and mine is more the geek light version but it'll still stump almost everyone who sees it..
Comment #37 Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:17 PM
I changed the code for the hours to a 12 hour clock, by changing (24*3600)/3600 to (12*3600)/3600. At 12:00 noon, the answer to that equation should still be 12, yes? There is nothing showing on the hour balls, as if it was still a 24 hour clock and it was 12:00 midnight. Could you explain why this is happening?
Comment #38 Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:34 PM
oh and btw, the object seems to be repainting the whole screen instead of just the balls. When I drag a window in front of it, the window moves in 1 sec intervals.
Comment #39 Monday, April 12, 2004 5:05 PM
Hmmm, werewolf, you are having just too many problems aren't you?

Changing the 24 to 12 works OK on my machine. Make sure that you are not using / though. You need to use \. In other words, don't change anything in the equation other than 24.

I don't know about the repainting of the entire screen. That is nothing that is done by my script. It might be a DX problem. Do you have the latest version? You can also try disabling the script of the dots so they don't move funky. That might straighten things out.
Comment #40 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:46 PM
Ohhh cool! How can i turn off the thing that makes teh balls go everywhere?

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