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Updated Jan 08, 2005 by J Q

Comment #1 Sunday, January 9, 2005 9:16 PM
I was thinking about an object like this for a while. Thanks for being more task oriented than me! Are you going to provide any documentation to make other object Grrr aware?
Comment #2 Monday, January 10, 2005 4:06 AM
Here is the README text:


Import the dxpack into your theme


From your own object script, call the CreatePopup method:

desktopx.ScriptObject("Grrrr").CreatePopup Track, Artist, Album, Rating, Object.Name

This will create a popup with a title line (Track) and two text lines (Artist, Album) as well as a rating line (like iTunes rating) if given a number between 0 and 100. Non-numbers will be ignored for this parameter. The final parameter is the name of an icon to be placed as a badge on the popup. Whatever text is sent to this parameter will have ".icon" appended to it. If an icon with this name (e.g. MyObject.icon) exists, it will be used. If not, a default icon (info) will be used.


(see next post)
Comment #3 Monday, January 10, 2005 4:09 AM
There are a bunch of variables at the beginning of the script which control display location, etc.

Long text can be clipped to a certain length (titleLen, etc.)

Here are the defaults:

' Change the side of screen and stacking arrangement: Left/Right, Up/Down
Placement = "Right"
Stacking = "Down"
' Timings (in milliseconds)
FadeinTime = 1500
DisplayTime = 6000
FadeoutTime = 3000
' Placement of components inside popup
Margin = 5
titlex = 70
titley = 5
titleLen = 140
line1x = 70
line1y = 25
line1Len = 180
line2x = 70
line2y = 43
line2Len = 180
ratingx = 70
ratingy = 61
ratingLen = 180
iconx = 5
icony = 5

Have fun!

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