Big Candle
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Big Candle

Updated Dec 09, 2005 by dartist

Comment #1 Friday, December 9, 2005 3:11 PM
This is great I just downloaded's so cool against a dark's funny cause I really wanted a candle that I could use all year round...thanks!!! The cpu is not an complaints from me!
Comment #2 Sunday, December 11, 2005 2:23 PM
Very cool object. Just wish it wasn't so darn huge, I'm at 1280x1024 and it takes up almost the entire height of the screen.
Comment #3 Sunday, December 11, 2005 2:44 PM
great pice of work I love it This is A DX object you can go into the properties of each object and change the sizes to fit what you want... You will have to play with the sizes to get what you want, or you can edit the graphics in your graphics program.. Hope this helps
Comment #4 Sunday, December 11, 2005 3:30 PM
Thanks for the comments.
RDR18 this was originally intended to be against a dark background but I included a lighter version to make it more versatile. Glad you liked it.
I have to admit it is a large object mainly because I run at 1600 by 1200 all the time. I�m thinking about throwing in a configuration menu to automatically scale it by percentages if there is enough interest.

Thanks again,
Comments always welcome.
Comment #5 Saturday, December 17, 2005 8:01 AM
I think it's perfect! I don't expose the entire candle.. In fact, I kind of "hide" the bottom part beneath my start bar. It's really good and I'm using 2. I'll post a screenshot later because right now, I'm having problems with WB (and it doesn't look good without a WB skin -- I'm only using a classic Windows theme right now). This is two thumbs up! I like the fire, especially! It looks really good, thanks!
Comment #6 Thursday, December 29, 2005 9:15 PM
Like the icon from the object browser
Comment #7 Friday, August 25, 2006 5:22 PM
" I�m thinking about throwing in a configuration menu to automatically scale it by percentages if there is enough interest." Yaaa... please do that

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