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Updated Sep 06, 2004 by Tiggz

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Comment #1 Monday, September 6, 2004 6:48 PM
Looks Great!
How 'bout double click opens drive in explorer? (just thinking out loud)

Keep up the fantastic effort!!!
Comment #2 Monday, September 6, 2004 6:56 PM
Thx Houdini - to explore the drive just left click it then $elect "explore drive" from the context menu
Comment #3 Monday, September 6, 2004 7:07 PM
A nifty...and damn useful object! My only suggestion would be to make use of some cool looking K-TEK Icon Labels.
Comment #4 Monday, September 6, 2004 8:17 PM
I hope you're uploading these as objects too. They're awesome!

What is that cursor set?

Comment #5 Monday, September 6, 2004 8:23 PM
I saw the context menu, I just thought a double click would be faster....
Comment #6 Monday, September 6, 2004 8:48 PM
Thx Hus - maybe more label options in an update
Frugus - you can import widgets into dx so there's really no need to upload it as an object. The cursor set is one of the GT2 cursors.
Houdini7 - well, I originally had a right click context menu, so your idea would have worked fine with that, but despite using script to disable the normal context menu, it would still pop up often enough to get annoying. So in the end I went with the left click context menu, which kind of put the kaibosh on the dbl click to explore plan
Comment #7 Monday, September 6, 2004 8:51 PM
Uber-awesome, the only thing I would think to add is a "locked" option, so I don't keep accidentally moving the little fellas.

Nice work.
Comment #8 Monday, September 6, 2004 9:02 PM

Another great job Tiggz

I think I will have to work on a 'K-Menu' type of Pop-up folder, All the ones that are available do not follow shortcuts

Love the widgets and the configure item.

I agree with Houdini , a double-click to explore would be nice.
Comment #9 Monday, September 6, 2004 9:51 PM
mittens - I may be able to add a locking option in an update
nutshell - what do you mean about pop-up folders? as to the dbl click to explore thing...erm, I did talk about that in my reply to Houdini
Comment #10 Monday, September 6, 2004 11:23 PM
For Pop-Up Folders.

In DX (and ObjectBar and Object Dock Plus) you can specify an object to be a shortcut to a folder and you can also specify it to show up in a 'Pop-Up' menu (on in OD+ case - show folder in a menu)

which is GREAT!

The only thing it does not do , is follow shortcuts (of other folders) in that folder
does that make sense?

I would like to have it popup in a menu, and if the shortcut leads to another folder - to have a little > arrow to allow me to popup another menu to access those items (similar to Flyouts, but just in the popup menu - )

I currently use TruelaunchBar for that functionality - but would love a Stardock version

Comment #11 Tuesday, September 7, 2004 12:59 AM
Very nice work! One suggestion would be to have an option to completely hide the widget when there is no CD inside. Something I've always wanted to have for a PC

Keep them coming!
Comment #12 Tuesday, September 7, 2004 1:34 AM
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! I love this object!!
I do have a removable zip drive and it does work at its best! No bugs so far.
Keep up this BRILLIANT work!
Alternate Setting
Comment #13 Tuesday, September 7, 2004 2:36 AM
Yay - Go Matt LOL

Gotta tell you Matt - I've been looking at what you've been producing and for a while it froze me. How is a newbie supposed to produce something that begins to stand next to the range and quality of your work. Then the answer came to me - cheat ! . No - of well, the answer then was simply that you hadn't made it impossible for me to continue trying to produce something that I thought worthwhile - you've done the opposite, you've encouraged me to explore even further the range of possibilites that are open to me.

In the meantime I may need a bigger recycle bin ..... or maybe another drive for storage ..or
Comment #14 Tuesday, September 7, 2004 3:35 AM
Great Job. Maybe you can help me ?

K-Drives Widget - There is no Function when I hit the Properties and the Eject Button.

K-Trash Widget - There is no Function when I hit the Properties, Open Recycle Bin and Emty Recycle Bin Buttons.

I am using DesktopX 2.2 with XP-Home SP2(German Version).

Do I have to install additional Components e.g. MS NetFramework to get these Widgets working ?

Thanks in advance.

Comment #15 Tuesday, September 7, 2004 4:29 AM
maddox4u, the eject/properties button of the k-drives widget only work with the English version of XP. It's the same with the recycle one.

Comment #16 Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:02 AM
love the whole theme, might there be a suite in the near future?
Comment #17 Tuesday, September 7, 2004 7:41 AM

Thanks for Information. Is there any Way to fix it?

Comment #18 Tuesday, September 7, 2004 8:35 AM
Not as far as I know, as I'm not that much into scripting.
Maybe Matt has an answer to this.
Comment #19 Tuesday, September 7, 2004 8:44 AM
rms88 - ok, that suggestion has been added to the list of possible features for the next version
4letterword, thanks for your help in this (and other) comment sections, I appreciate it It's also good to hear that your removeable drive and K-Drives are sympatico
Looking forward to seeing some of your skins Andy
J�rgen - 4letterword is correct about the language version of XP influencing which of these features work. This was brought to my attention by Skryme after I uploaded K-Trash. When I was building K-Drives I scoured the microsoft website to try and find language independant methods of achieving the same functionality but in the end couldn't find a total solution. However I won't give up and if I ever manage to get the answer I will certainly update this and any other widgets that would benefit
LiMe Y2K
Comment #20 Tuesday, September 7, 2004 9:54 AM
Nice work

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