Skinnable SysInfo 0.97 BETA
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Skinnable SysInfo 0.97 BETA

Updated Feb 05, 2007 by Carl[c242]

Comment #1 Friday, February 2, 2007 11:22 PM
This is a cool multi-gadget! I'm trying it out on Windows Vista, just so you know. And I am working here with the file uploaded Feb 2, 2007.

On the weather gadget, I put in two locations, but the Names and Zip Codes didn't match, there is a swap. I had trouble closing some menus, when I clicked OK, the changes took effect, and the panel re-opened. I had to click cancel to close panel. Intended? Some Recycle Bin icons have fuzzy GFX artifacts.

Everything else I tried worked great! This looks like a handy way to have popular gadgets match one's WIndowBlinds exactly and easily. Fantastic work, keep it up!
Comment #2 Saturday, February 3, 2007 3:39 AM
Yeah, the panel-re-open is intended, I tried to give different names to the buttons, but they didn't change. So "OK" is ment as "Apply" and "Cancel" as "Exit". I did that because that way You can see changes at once and can skip through the skins very easily.

I will look what's wrong with the weather. Regarding the artifacts : These will go away at the next reboot. I don't know, what causes that. Seems DX has a problem there also.

Did You look at the skins themselves ? Very easy to do new ones, as it is just the background-graphic basically. All others can be left as standard or be changed, too.

My ToDo List:

-Polish some skins and text-positions
-Fix the weather object
-Add a way to import new skins DONE
-Add more meters (possibly as a new module)
-Media player ?
-Add some form of "freeform-skinning" (After 1.0)
Comment #3 Saturday, February 3, 2007 6:30 PM
when I clicked OK, the changes took effect, and the panel re-opened. I had to click cancel to close panel.

Me too. Had to close panel with "X" at top right of form. Looks great, Carl. "HE" probably my favorite skin, followed by "Taped".
Comment #4 Sunday, February 4, 2007 1:10 PM
Changed for 0.97: Preferences except the mail-passwords are stored to the ini now (I don't want to mess with other users' registry)

Still try to rename the buttons in the diologues.
Comment #5 Sunday, February 4, 2007 3:43 PM
Great work Carl!
Comment #6 Thursday, February 8, 2007 12:57 PM
Okay, >600 Downloads, 3 comments, no bigger mourns. I must do something right. I will keep this version up a while and wait for some more feedback... Expect more skins soon, especially based on MikeB's and Tretogs work, as I have global permission by them.
Comment #7 Wednesday, February 14, 2007 3:38 PM
I love this widget, especially since it's so skinnable. Couple of mishaps though-using UM skin:

a. Cannot close configuration with "ok"; will close with "cancel"

b. Shadow properties (DX Prop) only work on parent window "system info", not on weather or calendar.

c. 5-Day Forecast appears slightly crowded. This might be more a question of my personal taste��.

d. If widget closed and re-opened at startup one has to go through the whole process of choosing folder and setting weather zones again.

Can't wait for your final release!!!!!! BTW, Thank You! �
Comment #8 Wednesday, February 14, 2007 3:58 PM
a. Is in purpose, could not manage to rename the buttons yet.
b. Have to look into that
d. Is a bug in DesktopX.
Comment #9 Monday, February 19, 2007 5:24 AM
As real life is sucking up my time at the moment, the next update is still some days aheead.
Comment #10 Monday, February 19, 2007 8:11 AM
Maybe, one day, I'll get good enough to make the list.
Until then, looks good so far.
Comment #11 Monday, February 19, 2007 8:36 AM
Z71 : You are, don't worry. The included skins are far away from complete (BluNite is in the works already, just not finished, Nordagan is planned also ). I will do packs in the future and I still hope others will jump on also.
Comment #12 Monday, March 12, 2007 9:05 AM
Update containing media player soon.

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