Lego Theme
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Lego Theme

Updated Apr 10, 2005 by koer2002

Comment #1 Sunday, April 10, 2005 12:31 PM
Look, im sorry, but if you want to submitt stuff here. You have to have a program better than paint. This is more of pixelated boring images than cool lego images. Get Photoshop or The Gimp and try again. The idea of a lego theme is awsome. Really. It just diddn't work out. Keep practicing and you can make some great stuff. You just need the programs to do it.
Comment #2 Sunday, April 10, 2005 4:30 PM
I was kind of thinking "Windows 3.x called, it wants it's icons back"
The Bladesinger
Comment #3 Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:27 AM
Please, do us all a favour and don't upload anything more until you've got some skillz.

...any skillz
Comment #4 Friday, April 15, 2005 7:56 AM
These icons are truly brilliant.
Keep up the good work.
Comment #5 Friday, April 15, 2005 12:31 PM
Lego theme

Lego theme awesome. But, if it is going to be called 'Lego theme' then it needs to be a lego theme not just a bunch of things drawn in paint.
Comment #6 Friday, April 15, 2005 9:21 PM
Nice for your first time!! keep up the work!!
Antonio Roque
Comment #7 Sunday, April 17, 2005 4:12 PM
You don't want to know
El Jimmay
Comment #8 Saturday, April 23, 2005 10:09 PM
Haha, I could've done this myself even though I can't even skin.
Comment #9 Tuesday, May 3, 2005 3:05 PM
Usually i would not make an effort to comment on a visual modification good or bad. But this is an insult to the visual modding community or a REALLY bad joke. I would suggest you learn a bit more about art and design and possibly invest in a few programs such as photoshop. If not dont submit anything else. i didnt laugh, i didnt cry. this is the kind of thing that should have been lost in the process of its upload. its a waste of server space.
Comment #10 Saturday, May 7, 2005 3:29 AM
I was really excited to get Lego icons because I use to love building Lego sets, but this is not Lego. I'm sorry. You should have named it something else.

I don't want to criticize your work, because I don't skin myself and atleast you tried.
Master Mind2345
Comment #11 Sunday, May 22, 2005 4:16 PM
Dude, no
Comment #12 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 11:27 PM
Yikes. This is my first comment, and I am coerced to do so at the behest of Quality Standards. Please take this as constructive criticism, but this artwork is not for this level.
Comment #13 Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:30 PM
I like it.
Comment #14 Tuesday, June 28, 2005 5:16 AM
no offence, but if I were you I'd feel embarrased to put something like this anywhere anybody alse would bee able to see it... But to but it on a website sich as Wincustomize, not even for a hundred bucks
Comment #15 Sunday, July 10, 2005 6:48 AM
i didnt want to make it look 3d or something.i made it just for my first I.P. on wincustomize
Comment #16 Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:52 AM
It doesn't have to be 3D. All we're talking about is that you just don't use MSPaint for Icons. Get a decent graphics program such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro, even CorelDRAW and watch Mormegil's Videos just practice some more and come back.

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