BlockOS Additions
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BlockOS Additions

Updated Jun 08, 2001 by MaNyK

Comment #1 Friday, June 22, 2001 8:26 AM
Its a cool icon set and all but how do you get all the icons to all the files?
Comment #2 Wednesday, August 8, 2001 8:57 PM
Nice work MaNyK. Before I just used BLock OS Hangon but now you've gone done and made a better theme, that was my favorite too. So glad too see some great stuff from this site.
Comment #3 Sunday, July 21, 2002 5:58 AM
excellent... a cool and neat looking set of icons... i couldt find some better...

maybe "snowball" from linestudios... but the current set is a little small... toofew icons...
Comment #4 Thursday, October 17, 2002 10:34 AM
A wicked set of additions to the awesome icons by linestudio.

Thanks for taking the time to expand the set

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