Game Pack 3 (Dasent)
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Game Pack 3 (Dasent)

Updated Feb 16, 2005 by Will_hunter

Updated: read reply for more info

26 high quality 256x matching dock images for popular games.
Includes 10 .ico files

America's Army
Apache icon (from Battlefield Desert Combat)
Battlefield 1942*
Battlefield 1942 Desert Combat*
Battlefield 1942 Desert Combat Extended*
Call of Duty*
Command and Conquer
Crimson Skies
Game Boy Advance*
Command and Conquer Generals
Far Cry*
Half Life*
Max Payne
Quake 1
Quake 2
Quake 3*
Red Alert 2
The Sims 2*
Starcraft:read more

Comment #1 Tuesday, February 15, 2005 10:24 PM
Great Job, Stupid noob question: How do I use the PNGs?
Comment #2 Tuesday, February 15, 2005 11:31 PM
The pngs are for object dock. If you qant you can download icon developer (its free i think) and convet pngs to icon files. Or if you tell me which one you're after, i'll do it for you

I've just updated this icon pack, and it should show up in a few days.

There is a new Icon: Far Cry
the icons for UT, GBA and BF1942 have been improved,

and also i've added another 4 .ico files
Comment #3 Friday, February 18, 2005 7:05 PM
Nice job man, you have some of my favorite games here
Comment #4 Friday, February 18, 2005 7:45 PM

btw, i'm open to requests for other icons
Comment #5 Friday, January 27, 2006 11:01 AM

You can also download a photoshop plugin that will allow you to save the png's as ico's.Link

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