Pepperoni Mushroom Pizza
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Pepperoni Mushroom Pizza

Updated Oct 11, 2007 by unclerob

Comment #1 Thursday, October 11, 2007 9:19 PM
I just tossed my burger and I'm heading out to get one... Mmmmmmmmmmm....extra cheese too!
Comment #2 Thursday, October 11, 2007 10:37 PM
I could definitely eat pizza everyday.
It's a shame about your burger though, I would have probably eaten it and the pizza as well - some days I have those burger king double whopper with cheese moods followed by a few slices of pep/mush heaven (or black olive & mushroom or black olive & bacon or.... I have to stop I'm getting hungry again).

We're working on renovating a home we just purchased, we haven't moved in yet but we're there almost everyday working on it and I haven't eaten more take out food ever in my life but I tell you I just don't get tired of eating pizza. My knees are sore & broken from working on laminate floors & tiles but I still look forward to going to the house just because there will be pizza to eat - either fresh or a few cold slices stored in the fridge.

My name is Rob.... and I'm a pizzaholic. �
Leo the Lion
Comment #3 Thursday, October 11, 2007 11:42 PM
Can I give you some constructive critisism?�Where's the frecking anchovies �
Comment #4 Friday, October 12, 2007 1:35 AM
Yeah, renovating a house can be fun...and pizza is a good fuel to keep you working on it. I mean, how can you eat an omelette or Chinese take out and feel like painting or laying tiles after'd want a nap. Pizza gives you a desire...a few beers help's a manly food!
Comment #5 Friday, October 12, 2007 1:35 AM
And damn anchovies please!
Comment #6 Friday, October 12, 2007 3:46 AM
Can I give you some constructive critisism? Where's the frecking anchovies

I was expecting to hear something like the camera flash was too bright making the grease on the pepperoni stick out too much at which point I would have said that the grease is good, adds alot of flavor.

Anchovies?! Anchovies?! We don't need no stinkin' Anchovies!!!
Comment #7 Friday, October 12, 2007 3:48 AM
1 1/2 stars?! Don't they realize how much restrain was involved in this process, I had to hold back from scarfing this pizza down instantaneously, take a pic, make a logon and then eat it. (OK, let's be honest, I took a pic, ate the pizza and then went back to work on my reno, later on I worked on this logon which took all of 10 seconds to make - thanks LogonStudio Vista, I loves ya!!!) �
Comment #8 Friday, October 12, 2007 12:57 PM
I worked on this logon which took all of 10 seconds to make - thanks LogonStudio Vista, I loves ya!!!)

With a little practice, you can get it down to 6 seconds...
Leo the Lion
Comment #9 Saturday, October 13, 2007 1:36 AM
Rob.......OK you deserve at least three stars. You'd have got four if you'd have added a bit more color with a salad. But I guess you think - like me - that's rabbit food. �
Comment #10 Saturday, October 13, 2007 11:40 PM
Hey, I've been bumped up to 2 stars - that's acceptable.

Salad... I have to take a pic of a greek or caesar salad now before we eat it and turn that into a bootskin & logonxp/vista - thanks for the idea Leo!!! ��I know it would be unique, from what I was able to find, this is the only pizza logon on this site, a salad logon couldn't hurt �

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