Blue Cubed
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Blue Cubed

Updated Mar 08, 2005 by FaTiH68

Comment #1 Wednesday, March 9, 2005 5:35 PM
Great work with it
Comment #2 Wednesday, March 30, 2005 6:27 AM
This looks like it's going to be great, but it doesn't turn out that. I'm sorry, but the people that programed this along with many others, not all, need to work these with a little more time. They download, and winzip ok, but the final final picture (or Logon) doesn't work right. A box diplays "only logon files downloaded" and it shows me the logon box with the logons I've already downloaded in good faith. Afterwards, I have to go thru my files and delete the ones that didn't work. I've tried this severeal ways and it always turns out the same. I have nothing against the pictures or the style in which these are used, but the programming needs to be looked into. I have a Dell computer with XP running which is about 3 years old. I feel that I have some basic knowledge, it's that these logons, and bootskins need to be more readily looked into. Any suggestions please comment.
Comment #3 Wednesday, March 30, 2005 1:41 PM
Just extract the downloaded zip into a new map(rename it to Blue Cubed) and put the map in your logonstudio directory voila. start logon studio and have fun. its works fine for me.
Comment #4 Friday, April 1, 2005 6:07 AM
It's still a no go. I still get Logon Studio Error box stating "Only .logon fyles could be loaded" Thanks anyway....I'll have another bout of depresion and closure that will have to be worked out with a pysc. doc.

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