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Updated Jan 04, 2003 by Orion

Comment #1 Saturday, January 4, 2003 3:10 PM
I like the style/color/graphic alot!!! For a minute I thought I was going to stop using the BlackComb theme.

Unfortunately there arent enough options in the skin to customize it the way I want.

For example the QuickLaunch bar-style is great, but I wanted to use it for 16x16 icons, and it doesnt work out right. There's no dividers for different bar secions. The color scheme for the different bar types doesnt match up correctly. For example if I put 2 bars docked to the bottom of the screen, the TaskBar style is much darker on the right side of the screen than the quick launch sytle is.

I do very much like the look though....alot more than blackcomb, and I love the start-menu you made alot, but I have to go back to BC for now.
Comment #2 Saturday, January 4, 2003 4:25 PM
Wow, I love this whole little suite. It's nice and clean.
Comment #3 Wednesday, January 8, 2003 9:58 AM
Thank you SO MUCH for telling me how to set this up, Orion. It works great, this is awesome,
Comment #4 Wednesday, January 8, 2003 11:27 AM
This Skin is really, really great. Please tell me where to get those icons, especially the word and excel icon!
Comment #5 Tuesday, July 1, 2003 12:29 AM
Very functional,and easy to customize.
Looks great,and actually I've been using my modified version for nearly half a year.
Comment #6 Thursday, April 8, 2004 3:31 AM
how do i install this
Comment #7 Thursday, April 8, 2004 3:38 AM
how do i install this please e-mailme at
Comment #8 Friday, April 9, 2004 5:21 PM

You download the GunMetalBlue.obpack file and click on it. If that doesn't work, open the GunMetalBlue.obpack with your favorite zip program and extract it to a GunMetalBlue folder within your ObjectBar directory then you load the theme from the file menu in ObjectBar.
Comment #9 Saturday, April 10, 2004 5:29 AM
HOW ??? how do i install it ??? plzz mail me at
Ros Mar
Comment #10 Monday, February 28, 2005 11:59 AM
My sytem tray icons are blank squares. Any known cause for this?

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