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Updated Jan 15, 2007 by mahdimc

Comment #1 Monday, January 15, 2007 5:12 PM
Hey mahdimc, this is uploaded in the wrong section. Icons .ico are to be uploaded to Misc. Icons gallery, icons for Object Dock are to be .png only.

As to your statement about clearest and most visible, on my standard dock set to zoom on mouse over, set at full zoom, this 69x69 .ico does not hold up well. It gets fairly blurry, also the drop shadow IMO is way to heavy.

Icons, .ico, can work well on OD but need to be bigger, like 128x128, which along with 256x256 are the standard sizes for .pngs for OD.
Comment #2 Monday, January 15, 2007 10:38 PM
Oh... Sorry..
I'll get to changing that RIGHT AWAY!...
What about the shadow? Can you explain to me in a little more detail what you want me to do?
other than that...
thanks guys! Hope you like my future update of this exact icon!
Comment #3 Monday, January 15, 2007 11:45 PM
Can you explain to me in a little more detail what you want me to do

I would make it a little smaller and more transparent; decrease offset by a few pixels, increase blur a little, decrease the opacity a little.

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