Christmas Time Background
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Christmas Time Background

Updated Dec 04, 2003 by TimDuck

Comment #1 Thursday, December 4, 2003 7:57 PM
Looks good, but I can't seem to get Object Dock to detect it. I'm having the same problem with OD icons. Any suggestions?
Stockholm Syndrome
Comment #2 Thursday, December 4, 2003 8:37 PM
Aqua. You're sure you unzipped this file to the backgrounds folder in your OD directory? I got this working...
Comment #3 Thursday, December 4, 2003 11:25 PM
Yes, everything should work, but doesn't. I started having these problems when v1.0 came out I was wondering if the installation procedure had changed, but apparently not.
Stockholm Syndrome
Comment #4 Friday, December 5, 2003 12:38 AM
Oh...hmm. Sorry to hear that.
Comment #5 Friday, December 5, 2003 2:42 PM
The prerelease version worked so much better for me also. With v1.0 I started getting jumpy graphics and now my dock freezes in the magnified position sometimes even when mouse is away. All kinds of crap. Overall much worse...
Comment #6 Friday, December 5, 2003 2:47 PM
Oh, by the way, this is a great background, thanks for making it

The only problem is, you ahve specified the edges to be 10 pixels. That's a little too big. It looks much better with 4 pixels. If anyone is interested, you just modify the ini file to read 4 instead of 10 in pretty much anywhere you see a 10.
Comment #7 Thursday, December 13, 2007 9:42 PM
I can't get it to work
Comment #8 Friday, December 14, 2007 8:08 PM
OK this one is interesting..........winzip created a backgrounds sub folder in the backgrounds folder.....and then unzipped this objectdock background as a sub_folder of the newly created backgrounds sub sounds a little goofy and complicated......but, the bottom line was, this object_dock background was in the correct parent was just in an incorrectly created sub folder as a default action of winzip......when I took a good look at Stockholm Syndrome's comments about the file being in the correct directory I realized the error........I simply dragged the unzipped file from the wrong sub folder in the directory to the correct parent folder..........I then closed and restarted Object Dock and clicked on configure.....inside configure I clicked on Appearance, and then clicked on backgrounds.......this christmas Background appeared in the scrolling list in alphebetical order...........just as you might expect.......I clicked it and it worked perfectly.......this object background works great with the window blinds and wall paper companions.....this one drove me crazy for quite a while......if you are looking for answers and you want this one to work pay attention to where winzip puts this file......if necessary, reinstall with winzip and carefully watch where the file goes......chances are real good you may have to drag your finished product to the right directory.........don't race through winzip on this one

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