Microsoft ActiveSync 3.0 Extended Metalized Pack
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Microsoft ActiveSync 3.0 Extended Metalized Pack

Updated Apr 22, 2003 by Jairo Boudewyn

Comment #1 Wednesday, April 23, 2003 2:30 PM
I get a chill through my body everytime I look at one of your new icons even if I dont use the program.
Jairo Boudewyn
Comment #2 Wednesday, April 23, 2003 2:56 PM
Thank you very much for your words, the truth that this has been one great experience, apart from doing what mas I like and that always I wanted to do that it is to design icons, cheers me to be able to share my work with everything the one that estimates it, especially because since I use objectdock I have learned many new tricks on photoshop that before not wise and whenever I design an icon is a new challenge to be able to give the image that I wish.


Muchas gracias por tus palabras, la verdad que esta ha sido un gran experiencia, aparte de hacer lo que mas me gusta y que siempre quise hacer que es dise�ar iconos, me alegra poder compartir mi trabajo con todo el que lo aprecie, en especial porque desde que uso objectdock he aprendido muchos trucos nuevos sobre photoshop que antes no sabia y cada vez que dise�o un icono es un nuevo reto para poder darle la imagen que deseo.
They forgive my bad English, but to communicate with you I use a webtraslator and sometimes is not very efficient that we say.-----------------
Comment #3 Wednesday, April 23, 2003 5:06 PM
Holla Jairo, me gusta mucho el trabajo que haces,es muy professional y tienes mis complimentos.
Jairo Boudewyn
Comment #4 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:58 PM
Muchas gracias por tus palabras, espero poder seguir ofreciendoles mis dise�os.

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