Aero Vista
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Aero Vista

Updated Aug 10, 2006 by xfactor8

Comment #1 Monday, July 31, 2006 7:34 AM
Ok..several things wrong but none arent fixable. First - the name of the skin when people download it comes up in Rainlender list as " My Skin " rather than the name " Aero Vista " To fix that make sure you put up a different rainlender on your screen - then close Rainlendar down. Go into Rainy folder and find the folder Right click on it - change name to "Aero Vista "

Your " Message " is a broken image of a white dot . You can fix that by using the same png as the main rainback. The message is what pops up when you start rainlendar and will list any important dates you have for that day. Your event box isnt showing because you have it labeled wrong in the ini file.

EventListBitmapName=Event.png ( add an S to event and it will now show re: events.png )

Also you have month forward and previous arrows in the folder but they arent showing on rainy at all. You put a read me text saying you took ini file from longhorn aero - its fine to learn and use another ini - just dont reskin piece by piece anothers work. Honestly - your effort was good but you knew it wasnt working properly so its best to upload a finished product.

One last thing - if you use a specific font you must include it in the folder or all anyone will see is a standard arial font - and different fonts mean different alignments. Some just wont work right without proper font.
Comment #2 Monday, July 31, 2006 11:33 AM
Ok I'll fix those and then update.

Thanks! I'm a n00b at making skins.
Comment #3 Tuesday, August 1, 2006 12:32 AM

Thanks! I'm a n00b at making skins.

I know - thats why I took the time to try to explain. Its hard sometimes to get everything in the right place.

Comment #4 Tuesday, August 1, 2006 11:16 AM
Do you know how to get the month change buttons to work?
I can get the left one to appear but on mouseover it becomes a white bar.
The opposite happens with the skip forward button.
Comment #5 Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:49 AM

Do you know how to get the month change buttons to work?
I can get the left one to appear but on mouseover it becomes a white bar.
The opposite happens with the skip forward button.

You have no Month forward or previous bitmaps in your file - they cant work if you dont have them...

The one thing i noticed is your event days are not lining up where they are supposed to be at all. They are in between days on several of the styles. I checked the config settings and thats where you need to go to fix this. On the " days " tab you have the slider on " Left " one - the event tab its on Top Right - etc. You need to go put each one one " Center " or at least all aligned on the same sequence. I put them on center then checked off the box " do not draw on event days " and now its aligned properly.

Your Rainback graphics look good - but your going to confuse yourself with so many ini files going on - try to get just one or 2 working 100%
Comment #6 Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:38 AM
You have no Month forward or previous bitmaps in your file - they cant work if you dont have them...

I did but I couldn't get them to work so I took them out until I can.

How do I get to the "days" tab? I can't find one.
Comment #7 Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:16 PM

How do I get to the "days" tab? I can't find one.

Right Click on your Rainy on desktop > Skins then up top of skin list click on " Edit current skin "

You will see this config box - just click on the tabs up top to edit different sections.

Comment #8 Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:08 PM
OK thanks.
I had no idea that was there !

I will fix and then update.
Comment #9 Friday, August 11, 2006 3:19 AM
The one thing i noticed is your event days are not lining up where they are supposed to be at all. They are in between days on several of the styles. I checked the config settings and thats where you need to go to fix this. On the " days " tab you have the slider on " Left " one - the event tab its on Top Right - etc. You need to go put each one one " Center " or at least all aligned on the same sequence. I put them on center then checked off the box " do not draw on event days " and now its aligned properly.

I showed you how to fix this in comment # 7 - you say this is updated ? I just deleted the old one and installed this one and its the same. You have event day font smaller( size 9 ) than the regular day font ( size 11 ) - its in a light gray and still looks like a double image ( unaligned ) on the event days because you didnt check off " Do not draw on event days "

The message box is still popping up at on start up with current day events with same broken white dots with no png background. I gave you the fix for that in comment # 1

Your " Message " is a broken image of a white dot . You can fix that by using the same png as the main rainback. The message is what pops up when you start rainlendar and will list any important dates you have for that day. Your event box isnt showing because you have it labeled wrong in the ini file.

This is what I see now and its no different from the original.

Comment #10 Friday, August 11, 2006 7:59 PM
If you skip forward to September with the old version, you'd see it was way off line.
I did not notice this until I accidently skipped forward a month, and decided to fix it.

thanks for helping me along the way!
Comment #11 Saturday, August 12, 2006 1:19 AM

If you skip forward to September with the old version, you'd see it was way off line.
I did not notice this until I accidently skipped forward a month, and decided to fix it.
thanks for helping me along the way!

I delete each version when someone updates. I may have your original but the things im showing you have nothing to do with skipping to next month. Those white dots are a png you have in the wrong place - thats why i said to just go and remove the png thats in the " message " area. Just use the name of your main rainback for that area and you will get rid of those dots. You only see the message box pop up if you have and event scheduled for that day. This could be why your not seeing it. Add an event for the same day - then close the rainy - reopen and the message box will pop up each time you open the rainy that day. If no event - no box . But I have no idea whast those dots were supposed to be - maybe buttons at one time and they are in wrong place.

Now you change this message box in the ini file not in the config of the rainy as above in comment 7.
Just put in the png you are using for the main rainback.png
Comment #12 Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:50 PM
This is getting complicated.
This will be the last update for a while.
Comment #13 Sunday, August 13, 2006 12:58 PM
It only sounds complicated - you combined 2 ini config note pads so im not sure what you have changed. But to fix the message box which only pops up if you have an event schedualed for 'Today' Just change the 2 things in screen shot below. This was for the LH Aero ( LH Aero.ini configeration notepad )

Comment #14 Thursday, August 17, 2006 6:30 PM
Please contact me about this skin.

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