Updated Oct 04, 2015 by
SpaceSuite(VR1.3) by Sephirotess:
Options: you can change appearance (10) of the each skin with middle mouse click.
- 2 languages: English and French, - text color can be modified, - 10 appearances (for each skin), - 1 wallpaper, - easy configuration.
I don't have the necessary place, permitting to explain everything. The complete presentation is in the pack. Quick presentation :
HDD: gives some informations about the hard disk. You can manage up to 3 disks...
Memory: this skin shows the usage of the Ram and the Swap. It indicates the total Ram/Swap, used and free space (Go & percentage).
Arc: It shows CPU usage (2 Cores) to the right & the left. The informations are displayed via percentage & bars. The arc shows free Ram & Swap (Ram to the right & Swap to the left). The informations are displayed via Go and bars. The skin manage 2 HDDS and shows the free space via percentage & bars. You can hide all the informations while clicking on the central orb. Use the wheel of the mouse to change the appearance of the arc. The position "scroll up" is used for the appearances (10) of the arc. "Scroll down" is used for the appearances (6) of the bars.
Process: shows the number of open process and the 4 more active.
Recycle Bin: the skin shows the number of present files and their size. It also shows the rate of replenishment of the trash. It is displayed via percentage & bar. When the number of files reached the limit fixed (250), a sound is played and the display of the rate becomes slightly bigger.
Dock: a simple dock, that contains 8 shortcuts. Use the "ShorcutCreator" (in the config folder) in order to change appli and paths. Appli's names are surrounded by little rotators.
Control: 4 small shortcuts, for putting the PC in hibernation mode, to restart PC, to shutdown or to logoff session. As for the dock, shortcuts are surrounded by little rotators.
Slideshow: it has some fonctions. When the mouse is placed on the picture, the slideshow indicates the path & the name of the file. The small left button opens the folder of the pictures. The top button permits to stop and to restart the slideshow. The button to the right has for function to offer a preview. The last one set current picture as wallpaper.
Volume: this skin control the volume under Windows...
Time: the skin shows abbreviated weekday name, month, day of the month and year. It shows time and uptime. To the rigt (top), you can see week's number. Under you can see day of year.
Clock: a simple clock.
- GPU: gives some informations about the graphic card. MSI AfterBurner is necessary. It indicates the usage of the graphic processor, the speed of the GPU, the fan's speed, the temperature, the clock of the memory and the quantity of memory used. Move the mouse over the skin, in order to have more informations.
- Spectrum (AudioLevel): spectrum with 4 bands, monitors and analyzes streams of audio sound. Use the wheel of the mouse ("scroll up" and "scroll down") for changing the appearance (10), - Player: you can use different players (see configuration panel of the suite)...
- Notes: a simple tool for taking some notes. Left click in order to open note.
- Network: gives informations about Network activities. Shows current download and upload. Shows cumulatives dowload and upload. Shows Wifi quality
- Calendar: calendar with some features, like events and notes for each day of the month...