Updated Oct 06, 2015 by
HDDSuite by Sephirotess:
HDDSuite: 3 kinds of skin for the HDDs. Up to 3 disks.
Options :
- 2 languages: English and French, - text color can be modified, - 10 appearances, - easy configuration.
Detail of the suite:
V1 (to the left):
- name of the HDD, total size, used space (Go and percentage), free space (Go and percentage), current readings and writtings (HDD's activity), cumulatives readings and writtings (for one session), histograms (readings and writtings), little dots animation for activity (readings & writtings).
You can hide the lower panel while clicking (left click) on the panel of the top. You can change the appearance (10) with the central button of the mouse.
V2 (to the right):
- name of the HDD, total size, used space (Go), free space (percentage). 2 bars ; one indicates the used space and the other the free space.
You can hide all the informations while clicking on one bar with the left button of the mouse. Use the wheel of the mouse ("scroll up" and "scroll down") to change the appearance (14) of the bars.
V3 (all below):
- name of the HDD, total size, used space (Go), free space (Go), current readings and writtings (HDD's activity), cumulatives readings and writtings (for one session), histograms (readings and writtings),little dots animation for activity (readings & writtings).
Use the central button of the mouse to change the appearance (10).