Updated Apr 20, 2016 by
BD(V1) by Sephirotess: just "BD" (no name).
- 2 languages: English and French, - text color can be modified, - 1 wallpaper, - easy configuration.
Use the "wallpaper panel" (config) in order to install the wallpaper. I don't have the necessary place, permitting to explain everything. The complete presentation is in the pack. Quick presentation:
Section "Divers": - Calendar: calendar with events and notes for each day of the month... - Notes: a simple tool for taking some notes (3 notes). Left click in order to open note, - Time: shows full date, current time and uptime.
Section "HDD": - Letters (HDD C to Z ): give some information about the hard disk... - Recycle Bin: the skin shows the number of present files and their size...
Section "System": - Control: 4 shortcuts (hibernate, restart, shutdown and logoff), - CPU: shows CPU activity, current CPU speed and temperature (with Coretemp). The bar shows the CPU usage. Move the mouse over "CPU", in order to have more information about your CPU, - Ram: shows total Ram, used Ram (to the left) and free Ram (to the right), - Swap: shows total Swap, used Swap (to the left) and free Swap (to the right. - Windows (shortcuts): calculator, config panel, Explorer, Notepad, Regedit, Ribbons, TaskManager...