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Updated Jan 17, 2011 by theumad

Comment #1 Monday, January 17, 2011 11:33 AM

Very nice. Works great and should be a boon to those just trying out Rainmeter. Thanks for contributing.

Comment #2 Monday, January 17, 2011 11:52 AM

Very nice. Works great and should be a boon to those just trying out Rainmeter. Thanks for contributing.

No problem, and yes, this skin was created to make it easy to use for people who do not know how to use rainmeter yet.

Comment #3 Monday, January 17, 2011 2:39 PM

Trying it now, thank you!!!

Comment #4 Monday, January 17, 2011 8:46 PM

This is a nice skin for beginners but there are a few things I would like to see changed. It would be nice to have everything stay on top of the bar if you click on it. As it is now if you arrange everything on the bar and then click the bar all your meters and shortcuts are lost underneath the bar. I would also like to see support for multi core processors which would be quite easy to do. Most computers today have more then one. More weather info would be nice also.

This skin has a lot going for it. I like that it is very user friendly. This is the way all skins should be.

Leo the Lion
Comment #5 Monday, January 17, 2011 10:56 PM

Me likes........a lot! Nice job

Comment #6 Tuesday, January 18, 2011 11:47 AM

This is a nice skin for beginners but there are a few things I would like to see changed. It would be nice to have everything stay on top of the bar if you click on it. As it is now if you arrange everything on the bar and then click the bar all your meters and shortcuts are lost underneath the bar. I would also like to see support for multi core processors which would be quite easy to do. Most computers today have more then one. More weather info would be nice also. This skin has a lot going for it. I like that it is very user friendly. This is the way all skins should be.


About your bar problem, right click on the black bar, and go to Settings>Position>Bottom

We'll try to include multi-core cpu meters for the next Vark update coming this summer

Comment #7 Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:22 AM

Thank you theumad. So obvious but yet I never thought of it.

Comment #8 Thursday, January 20, 2011 4:58 AM

I just downladed Vark. Put both docks (Nexus and OD) on autohide then launched Vark. I am so lovin' this thing. Well done! Oh and thanks for the tip. And thank you JC for asking. I never would have thought of that.

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