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Updated Sep 01, 2005 by Shortcake83

Comment #1 Thursday, September 1, 2005 1:33 PM
That's REALLY, REALLY nice work I don't know what else to say... Just GREAT
Comment #2 Thursday, September 1, 2005 1:36 PM
Thanks Smokey41, your comments are greatly appreciated......
Comment #3 Thursday, September 1, 2005 3:14 PM
You have a different style shortcake..looks awesome..colors look good
Maybe a little description of what you used ?
Comment #4 Thursday, September 1, 2005 3:48 PM
I like the "Art-wall" motif. Very nice!
Comment #5 Thursday, September 1, 2005 4:41 PM
Thanks to all for the nice comments. I guess I could say as I am sure many of us could, I am looking for my ultimate desktop. Every time I think I have done it, I continue to change something or come up with a new idea and change it. So much for ever getting there. Most all of you who browse this screenshot area know what most of the objects are. The icons are icooler 1.0 and icooler 1.1 modified for my desktop use. The box that the icon is in is a wallpaper I have that has been resized and then the spotlight effect added by photoshop. The Rainmeter skins, ( Picture Frame, Expert 2.0, and 4JL ) have there backgounds modified with a more vista aero style back. The Rainlender skin, Longhorn Aero, has the same background added. The wall is called... Benbecula_Sunset_by_imperialhenners.jpg ... I think I found it at Deviantart. Also, winamp skin is ClearOneBeta.
Everything is done in layers so I can change it anytime to whatever I want. I want every one to know, I did not do any of the artwork, that credit goes to the artist. I just changed, resized, added here and there, to come up with this desktop. Thanks again....
ernie leo
Comment #6 Thursday, September 1, 2005 9:03 PM
Excellent work, just excellent
Comment #7 Thursday, September 1, 2005 11:41 PM
I am looking for my ultimate desktop. Every time I think I have done it, I continue to change something or come up with a new idea and change it.

I don't know if that can ever happen. It will always be that " oh, just one more thing "

The box that the icon is in is a wallpaper I have that has been resized and then the spotlight effect added by photoshop.

Now I see how you did it..what a great idea. Thanks for the great description.
Comment #8 Friday, September 2, 2005 3:51 AM
Awesome shot!
Scubabliss 1.0
Comment #9 Friday, September 2, 2005 8:05 AM
Truly original and totally funtional.Great Job!
Comment #10 Friday, September 2, 2005 8:27 AM
Thanks to all for your kind comments. I learned alot of what I have done by observing other screenshots in this category. The credit goes to many others. Without there artwork and ideas, we could not come up with some of the things we do here. I hope everyone will continue to share their desktops so we can continue to learn. Thanks

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