Man at Work
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Man at Work

Updated Mar 11, 2006 by Jon Noom

Comment #1 Saturday, March 11, 2006 10:47 PM
woah, looks like burning hell with all the CMD and html in there. very cool shot
Jon Noom
Comment #2 Sunday, March 12, 2006 1:14 PM
Use this Link to download a real cool game I have made called Block Destroyer, it is a bit like Off The Wall or Arkenoid, its a java remake which uses a three dimensional boolean array to construct levels! You will need a J2RE, then follow the simple instructions within the readme.txt file to create a desktop shortcut!
Comment #3 Sunday, March 12, 2006 2:46 PM
thanks so much, very cool
Jon Noom
Comment #4 Tuesday, May 30, 2006 6:14 PM
The Link for Block Destroyer v2.1 is now available from this Link, including new bonus feature 'Fireball' and the 'Magic Bridge' is well good, it is still a bit easy so I am thinking of some new ways to kill the ball, when playing it is possible to aim because you can launch the ball as many times as you like!

Jon Noom
Comment #5 Monday, July 10, 2006 12:34 AM
I am sorry to keep updating the link to the zip file containing block destroyer, but as I finish something another thing springs to mind, use the following URL in your address bar - '' this new one has an improved magic bridge, fireball and a better scoring system for better gameplay, ENJOY!

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