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Updated Mar 30, 2006 by SS GOKU

Comment #1 Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:00 AM
You shouldn't feel unwelcome. Just,sadly, like many, unappreciated. A lot of people that use WC don't have subscriptions or appreciate the work involved and have no intention of commenting on others hard work, but just want to download as much of it as they can. There is a certain group of people(Diafragma, Krissirk and others) who's screenshots really inspire others, whilst others just cram as many gadgets on the screen as possible or are constantly trying to mimic the very basic look of vista. You are amongst the group that inspire, and i for one will be sad to see you leave over others ignorance.
Comment #2 Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:21 AM
personally i like your work a lot and like yourself i get dissapointed with the responce you get from the public especially when you put time and effort in to your creativity many times you look at screenshots with unbelievable downloads with a low score and no comments and sit back and think what the hell but as you know you have a lot of people that do go out of there way to comment and that makes it all chin up mate you have a nice sence of style and im sure many fans out there
Comment #3 Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:08 AM
Very nice shot ss goku! I for one hope you reconsider,although I totally understand what you're saying
Comment #4 Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:18 AM
u will be missed inspired quite a bit of my desktop arrangements, and it was cool to have a fellow jamaican with an artistic taste

but like said above, if you go, there will be nothing but vista wannabe screenshots...PLEASE DONT GO
Comment #5 Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:13 PM
Another excellent desktop shot you've put together. I hope you will reconsider and not leave the wincustomize community. I echo the above comments and feel that your screenshots do inspire people. Your desktop arrangements have always been fantastic and I am sure that there are people who appreciate the time and effort you put into each screenshot. You truly do have a gift for color schemes and patterns, which you have always put to good use in displaying your current desktop. Thank you for all your contributions and best wishes to you always in the future. Take care, and I hope to still see you around here from time to time!
Comment #6 Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:34 PM
Excellent shot as always, we will be a lot less
inspired if you leave. Being a screenshot designer
I have learned and loved looking at what you have
created. Will miss you and your great shots
Also congrats on todays daily shot
Comment #7 Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:23 PM
Nice dark shot SS Goku

For what you said, I think everyone who makes screenshots is about to know ups and downs. I had this feeling too few months ago...
But I decided to stay because I thought I still had much to learn from community, and sharing is a real pleasure...
Hope U will stay, anyway your decision is respectable.
Comment #8 Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:42 PM
Nice shot SS Goku!

I've made my comments on your previous ss....but I'll say it again that you and a few others' screenshots were what made me want to skin in the first place. I didn't even know what the word meant before I came here (well I sort of did but not really ) I think probably at times everyone feels the way you do (I have) but I agree with windoe when he said you can learn alot here....especially sharing and appreciating other peoples' talents...things like that...anyway that's just my feelings about it.
Comment #9 Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:38 PM
SS Goku,

please dont pay attention to those who are bothering you, please stay here, we need people like you to make this site even better!

..and about the screen shot...:

Comment #10 Thursday, March 30, 2006 3:34 PM
Very understandable, SS Goku.
Many may not understand, but screenshots are a work of art also. A more specific work of art where you take things and put them into one beautiful. And people show those things for like many above mentioned - inspiration.
You are a great designer, I love all your shots and don't think that you should leave. If you leave, Wincustomize is not going to change, not a single bit. But we need people like you. You're fair at judging work and brilliant at making your own.
If you are thinking other customizing communities are more appreciative - you are a bit wrong. They may be more fair but not appreciative. Good example - DeviantART.
I assure you that out of them all - Wincustomize is the best because of people like you who make brilliant shots and etc. which inspires skinners as they see what looks good with what.
Yet if you still decide to leave I want to you to know that your work is surely great. You will be very missed.

P.S. great shot
Comment #11 Friday, March 31, 2006 12:35 AM
Hi SS Goku,

please don`t leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your are one of my favorites and you realy done a lot for me, you were always friendly to me and that means a lot!!!!!
Comment #12 Friday, March 31, 2006 1:23 AM
just a quick question is i guess you havnt explained why you feel unwelcome here maybe you could shed some light as all of us might be able to help or better understand whyyou feel this way
Comment #13 Friday, March 31, 2006 2:17 AM
I am new to all of this, but I do want to say that your skins and SS have inspired me. I was on of those who downloaded like crazy whenever I had any spare time (most of which I nver used) and never really paid any attention to what people put into thier works. I have since retired and now I really enjoy creating desktops from other's wonderful skins; but what really inspired me was the ScrenShots. You have a real talent for skinning and your SS are an inspiration! I think that if you leave, this site will lose a very talented skinner and designer! I hope you don't go.
Comment #14 Tuesday, April 25, 2006 7:27 PM
Thanks for all your comments.

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