Vista RC1 --- by Juan Perez 66
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Vista RC1 --- by Juan Perez 66

Updated Oct 03, 2006 by Juan Perez 66

Comment #1 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 11:48 AM
I like it alot, looks like the original, nice !
I want this pack as soon as possible
Comment #2 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 2:16 PM
I wonder how you managed the toolbar to be see through...
Comment #3 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 3:12 PM
i think its fake, but i hope it isn't. there have been too many like this, and they never release the files because they just photoshopped it. i hope that you are different, and that you managed to pull it off, and if so, i will probably never stop using your skins until i get a PC that can run aeroglass
Comment #4 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 3:36 PM
It is fake, the back/forward buttons are part of the top titlebar image and the bars below it are part of the styler toolbar.
Comment #5 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 4:23 PM
oh, i've had one like that before. it sucked big time, i was so excited.
Juan Perez 66
Comment #6 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 6:18 PM
And exactly how does that makes this skin pack "fake" may I ask? I have never said those buttons are functional.
Maybe you are better off spending thousands of dollars on a "Vista Capable" PC and start using the real thing yourself... oh wait.., I forgot the real thing isn't ready at all yet; at least until next year.. oh..! silly me, I also forgot it would cost a "few" bucks more to get it...

Have a Nice Day
Juan Perez 66
Comment #7 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 6:28 PM
wyldstallyns2589 said:
oh, i've had one like that before. it sucked big time, i was so excited.

I have seen/used only one "like that" skin before and it did kinda sucked big time because of the poor looks, quality, and functionallity of the whole skin; but this one skin pack is fully functional and has top quality.
I said it's fully functional because, the "up","back", and "forward" buttons are right up there on the Styler toolbar all the time (hidden, but soon you get totally used to them) so navigation around your explorer's windows is a breeze.

Stay tuned
Juan Perez 66
Comment #8 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 6:44 PM
Astyanax1 wrote:

It is fake, the back/forward buttons are part of the top titlebar image and the bars below it are part of the styler toolbar.

And exactly how does that makes this skin pack "fake" may I ask? I have never said those buttons are functional.
Maybe you are better off spending thousands of dollars on a "Vista Capable" PC and start using the real thing yourself... oh wait.., I forgot the real thing isn't ready at all yet; at least until next year.. oh..! silly me, I also forgot it would cost a "few" bucks more to get it...

Have a Nice Day
Comment #9 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 7:32 PM
yeah, the one i had, the bottom shell was transparent, and really lame. im not saying yours will suck, i meant that one did. and just that i was dissappointed that that is how you got it to work. don't get me wrong, i'm looking forward to trying yours out, especially since your shell isn't transparent.
Comment #10 Wednesday, October 4, 2006 12:52 AM
Hey Juan good stuff...can you mail me this skin at want to apply this skin today...The see through toolbar is awesome
Comment #11 Wednesday, October 4, 2006 1:53 AM
Kewl look, but I'd rather have a fully functional taskbar with working buttons. What do you mean by "spending thousands of dollars on a Vista Capable PC"? I'd guess that just about everyone now a days meet the minimum requirements for Vista. I've been beta testing Vista for about a year now and love it. I didn't spend anything to upgrade my computer for it. And it's more stable and faster than XP. I really don't use XP anymore, cept for a couple games that aren't compatible with Vista yet.
Juan Perez 66
Comment #12 Wednesday, October 4, 2006 6:13 AM
I think you meant "fully functional address bar with working buttons" Anyway, like I already mentioned, the "back","forward", and "up" buttons are up there on the Styler toolbar all the time for anyone to use them at any time (They are just "hidden/invisible" over the "Name","Date Modified", and "Keywords" graphics)
Comment #13 Wednesday, October 4, 2006 1:59 PM
hey EnvisagedOne, my none of my 4 computers meet vista requirements, well, they do, just not the graphics card. and juan, i'm looking forward to trying this out.

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