Vista System Properties
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Vista System Properties

Updated Oct 24, 2006 by DragonSeraphin

Comment #1 Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:17 PM
Man What a Machine!....
I am drooling all over..
No doubt u got a rating of 4+.....
But better install 64 bit version as your computer supports it.
Must have got it new or you are a serious gamer!
Keep up the good work!
Comment #2 Tuesday, October 24, 2006 11:04 PM
Eh... i basically use it just to play games. Windows Vista... as much as i like it, only plays a limited amount of games... and microsoft better fix it before they decided to debut vista . I have another computer that is my REAL desktop, this is just the testing computer...
Comment #3 Wednesday, October 25, 2006 1:39 AM
Just as i predicted!...But you know vista is the future of gaming,cuz DirectX10 will only support Vista
Microsoft even released a list of games(dx10) that will be released along with vista or a few months later.
To be very frank one of my main reasons for installing vista is to play Halo2! why didnt i buy xbox?
My current video card is crap and i am waiting for dx10 cards with hardware support...The N-Vidia 8 series!

Hey i saw your comment on my screenshot...Now get this..i am no newbie(which you might
What i meant on the "2 months" thing is that its approximately the time for the official release of Vista.And who will want to use beta version of Vista when the full version is available?

But i must tell you i dont like your "os a month" theory...Its for those who dont know how to maintain their computer.Sometimes i keep mine for over a year and its still in mint condition!..Basically i follow the 3 steps
1>Registry Cleaning...(Tuneup Utilities)
3>Antivirus/Spyware...(Avast+Spyware Doctor)
And these keeps my computer running like never before.To be very frank its the skins which slow my computer

When my os gets corrupted,(Which may happen once in a blue moon ..or when some stupid friends wanna play a trick on ) me its a FIASCO!..
I have a quad boot system..WindowsXp+WindowsXp 64+Windows Vista 64+Linux.So one wrong installation and they are all screwed

Also i have hundreds of softwares and it takes me about a week's hard work to install all of them and customize all the settings to match my taste...So my Os is very precious to

Anyway i will love to chat with you...Get me at gtalk(id: samrat.mitra) and yahoo messenger (id: samratmitra1).
Till then happy skinning!!!

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