Comment #2 Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:00 PM

Anyway i am using 64 bit version but your's is 32 bit one.

I just wanted to show that a computer pretty decent by today's standards (i have given the specs) barely meets the minimum system requirements of the resource-hungry vista.
Seems like i need an update!

Comment #3 Tuesday, October 24, 2006 11:08 PM
Comment #4 Wednesday, October 25, 2006 1:54 AM
Comment #5 Wednesday, October 25, 2006 2:33 AM

It takes quite sometime to install it.possibly more than double of xp!...
The welcome screen is radically improved and the base resolution is now 800x600 opposed to 640x480 of xp..
The aero interface is simple but slick.Transperancy is there by default and the interface is smoothly animated.(unlike windowsFX which will slow your system down)...Its like having windowblinds+windowFX+desktopx for free!...
There are of course multiple bugs,but cant blame bill cuz its only beta!
But the main downside of using 64 bit version(and that applies to Xp 64 bit too) is the lack of driver support.The n-vidia driver is crap and i cant find my bluetooth drivers

The Bottomline?...A Great Os promising the next generation interface with rock solid stability(considering microsoft is able to remove all the nasty bugs before the release)
+Next generation user interface (Aero,Flip 3D,Transperancy,Widgets)
+Enhanced protection (Windows Defender,More administrative control)
+High Quality Gaming (Supports DirectX10)
+Good Multimedia features (Windows media player 11,Media center)
+Much Faster (SuperFetch=enhances ram performance.Readyboost=Use usb memory drives as ram

-High system requirements (Old Pc users dont read this!
-Buggy (Better remove the bugs before release Mr Gates!)
-Annoying security features (Too much of anything is bad!)
-Poor 64-Bit Driver support (Dont be old school...move on to 64 bits!)

Comment #6 Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:26 AM
Comment #7 Wednesday, October 25, 2006 4:51 AM
I agree on your 32>64 bit theory.But you know there are people who want to live on the edge of technology.They overclock their hardware and will settle for nothing except whats best possible for them...Yes they are the enthusiast.
So 64 bit is a no brainer for them..And without it how can we play 64 bit versions of Far Cry,Chronicles Of Riddick or UT 2004?...Or how can we run the Blobby dancer for AMD64 & N-Vidia and feel whats the power that lies beneath the silicon chips we spent our hard earned money on?

But people are not open to changes.For that we are forced to keep both 64bit and 32 bit versions of windows simultaneously..
But things are changing.Microsoft announced that vendors who doesnt provide 64bit support wont receive the "made for vista" certification...
That may be a small step for Microsoft
But its definately a big step for 64BIT DESKTOP COMPUTING!

Comment #8 Wednesday, October 25, 2006 7:09 AM
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Comment #1 Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:54 PM