My Mac@Win project
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My Mac@Win project

Updated Apr 29, 2003 by gauntlet122

Comment #1 Wednesday, April 30, 2003 6:09 AM
Oh, better tell you what I've used:

The TopBar is from WinMac.
The BottomBar is ObjectDock.
Windows are skinned with WindowBlinds.
Wallpaper found on
Comment #2 Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:27 AM
If I didn't know any better, I'd say that this was the real thing. It's cool.
Comment #3 Thursday, May 1, 2003 6:05 AM
Though, there is minor bugs in it, yet.

The objectbar doesn't work exactly like the real deal, and the windowblind-skin is something I've edited from two existing skins, so it's not perfect :-/
Comment #4 Friday, May 23, 2003 7:04 PM
yeh it's really good. Can you put them all together on a win style file so I can just download that because I don't want to spend like a day trying to find all this stuff.

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