Comment #2 Friday, May 25, 2007 10:36 PM
The chances of our working on the same thing at the same time is bound to happen!
We both reach for everything WC has to offer! And there it is!
But it has been happening a lot lately hasn't it?��
Any how, I'm looking forward to your next design to see what you're up to!
Docks are very easy and really fun, so go on and play with them, just another world!
Always a pleasure to hear from you dear friend, thanks again!
Comment #3 Friday, May 25, 2007 10:47 PM
The Black and Blues , Grays with a splash of white all works well together
again another excellent concept by the one and only ( Cp ) arangment and
layout right on mark too ... 10 large and 5 gold once again
...... for da guy who raised the BAR for the rest of us !!!!
Comment #4 Friday, May 25, 2007 10:54 PM
to receive our weekly " Rat Pack " Award for best
Screenshot ??? ...... .. Coming soon to a member
who displays the best original work SS ... so stay
tuned fellow Rat Packers ..... who will it be from ?
Comment #7 Saturday, May 26, 2007 1:03 AM
Comment #10 Saturday, May 26, 2007 3:15 AM
Eventually they'll start getting tired of seeing me winning weekly and start crankin' out the good stuff worthy of this award!
Maybe they'll start sooner, who knows?
Me personally, I'm lookin' for some new toys and I'm going to start bangin' em out! Problem is, I can't select myself!
Philly's been putting out some awesome stuff. Shenaynay's Indigo concept is off the hook. JMSpeakman is untouchable when it comes to color blend, The Innovator Chasbo is silent but deadly like a ninja! terigw, always smart beautiful and clean, this ain't no walk in the park!
These are flat out, straight out, pure shooters!
We're looking for come-backs from TheCookieJar, MaRose, Longdude, PJDark and MYSecret as well. Imagine when they all return!
So right now it's time to get busy!
Who will receive the first official "Golden Rat Award" for best screen shot of the week?
Stay tuned;
Comment #11 Saturday, May 26, 2007 3:35 AM
Ms fairyy~ you, Skinhit, vStyler, Bilbo and Messiah1, our beloved skinners and designers, have bridged a gap that once haunted our community!
If it weren't for you and those chosen few with your gift and talent, there wouldn't even be a community!
I'd hoist you on my shoulders if or when we do meet!
I guess what I'm getting at is, I still haven't gotten any food from you yet woman, you think I forgot? I'm saying this nice stuff to you 'cause I talk crazy when I'm hungry, where's my steak?!
Always a great day when you stop by!��
Comment #12 Saturday, May 26, 2007 3:51 AM
Thanks for coming by and checking things out my friend, it's always great to hear from you!
I was going to integrate some DX sliders on the top and left side in here but decided not to!
And after looking at your Omega Theme, I'm glad I made that decision, that's too tough to follow!
Anyway, I always appreciate you coming by, you're one of the ones that encouraged me in my early days and brought me up. And I've always looked up to you because of that.
Nothin' but love and admiration for you BigDog, you're good peeps, and nothin' but another Rat Packer, so do us a favor and think about joining us, it you want!
Comment #13 Saturday, May 26, 2007 3:56 AM
'Preciate you coming by my friend, and I just hope you like the shot!
The resaon why I do these is so I can hear from you!�
You know you ain't nothin' but an 'ol Rat Packer too!
Do us in here a favor and think about it!
Get back with me!
Thanks again for always being there bro!
Comment #14 Saturday, May 26, 2007 9:09 AM
but , I can select you , ya know ( kinda like a " Frogboy " thing , ya know what i mean? )
....hint hint to all who inspire to WIN this Award .... let's see your work in all it's Glory !
Comment #15 Saturday, May 26, 2007 9:30 AM
Comment #16 Saturday, May 26, 2007 10:42 AM
(Sorry it took me so long to get here. Gotta alot going on.)
Comment #18 Saturday, May 26, 2007 12:37 PM
I appreciate you more than you'll know, I've learned so much from you!
I'm glad you like the concept, the wall and the blind made it really easy!
We're setting up some really neat and interesting stuff up for the Rat Pack JM!
You are one of the Pack's top two shooters, the other being in my humble opinion, Chasbo!
We look at you as leaders, so if you show, everyone else does too!
There are special projects being set up, so keep your ears open! This means testing unreleased concepts! Getting interested?
Other than that Mr Speakman, just do what you do, cause we love what you do!
Thanks again, and reach for that "Golden Rat"! I've become your competitor now and hopefully I can prove that the tail can wag the dog!
Stay tuned ��
Comment #19 Saturday, May 26, 2007 1:13 PM
Thanks for checking things out Cindy, glad you like the shot!
As you can see we're buzzing with activity for some reason!
Well that reason is, the Rat Pack has breathed new life into the WC community and brought the fun back!
You've been designing enough and your work is so amazing that you have fast become one of the community's top shooters! You're mark of excellence is your signature!
So we expect you to be a front runner for the first Golden Rat award every week Cindy!
Personally, I'm reaching for it every week! I'm going to kick some ass and leave no survivors!
Thanks again for coming by my dear friend, there's lots more coming to you and you do have a responsibility. Namely to be stiff competition for me for the Golden Rat! There are other concepts and projects coming to you soon as well.
Are you ready for this Ms Shenaynay?
Go to the RP update link that Az setup, you'll get e-mails for projects and testing as they arrive!
Stay tuned;��
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Comment #1 Friday, May 25, 2007 10:22 PM
Great looking screenie Curtis. I have one working now using the same wall. Imagine that! ��
Nice elemnts and of course some fantastic skinners you selected.
I'm going to have to take some time off and play around with docks and some of the other DXW itmes. Your shots always look fantastic with them. I'm playing right now with another of Richards item, a DXO CF 65.
Now here's a question, what will my next shot look like........������
You know that you're getting the RP'er DRC from me my friend.