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Updated Sep 08, 2007 by cplair

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Comment #1 Saturday, September 8, 2007 7:15 PM
Love that background CP! And I usually hate those kind! Go figure!
Comment #2 Saturday, September 8, 2007 7:22 PM
Please let me know who made the Headphone .PNG so I can edit them into my credits!



Comment #3 Saturday, September 8, 2007 7:27 PM
Damn CP. What can I say? Lots a thought went into this. Better and better you are. Very nice. �
Comment #4 Saturday, September 8, 2007 7:31 PM
Love that background CP! And I usually hate those kind! Go figure!

Ya love it, ya hate it, what is that WebGiz, a mid-life crisis?


Thanks for checking it out my friend, love your work!

You're tops dude!


Comment #5 Saturday, September 8, 2007 7:49 PM
Damn CP. What can I say? Lots a thought went into this. Better and better you are. Very nice.

Strong and most flattering words coming from the man who taught me what I know!�

I must confess C-bo, there is a lot of action in this shot!

This was an "Access and Use" concept with live elements, so I'm glad you like it!

Thanks again dear friend, we've been together for a little while now, I've learned so much from you!

See ya next concept bro!


�<---->��To Da Chasbo!
Comment #6 Saturday, September 8, 2007 8:07 PM
Awesome is all I can come up with at this moment
I love what ya got here and wall is great
Great shot
Comment #7 Saturday, September 8, 2007 8:41 PM
Awesome is all I can come up with at this moment
I love what ya got here and wall is great
Great shot

Hey Sheley that says it all right there hon thanks, 'nuff said!�

This one was fun with tons of live simultaneous activity happening, so I'm glad you like what's going on here!

And we all know Richard Mohler's walls! I love his abstracts!

I appreciate you stoppin' on by and leaving the always warm encouragement MsSheley, thanks again for the props my friend!


�<--For Ms terigw-->�
Comment #8 Saturday, September 8, 2007 9:39 PM
Lovely setup my friend....
Comment #9 Saturday, September 8, 2007 9:39 PM
cplair I love it! Your shots are complicated and wonderful. I saved this one to my favs �

Comment #10 Saturday, September 8, 2007 10:09 PM
Lovely setup my friend....

�Hey thanks loads for the visit and props to my bro Jack Da Skinhit!�

Glad you like the diggs dude, this was an action concept, but we all know I do these so I can hear from you!�

It's always an honor when you come by dear friend, I will try harder on the next one!


�<-To Da Skinhit->�
Comment #11 Saturday, September 8, 2007 10:18 PM
cplair I love it! Your shots are complicated and wonderful. I saved this one to my favs

You're too kind Winstar and I'm honored to have made it to your collection!

There is a level of complexity to this setup with all of the live action elements occurring. This wasn't easy to pull off, but I wanted to convey smart use and access in a single instance!

I'm just glad that it came out as planned and that you like it!�

Thanks again for the encouraging words my friend, this pushes me to try harder on the next one!


�<--To WinStar4-->�

Richard Mohler
Comment #12 Saturday, September 8, 2007 10:25 PM
Beautiful setup!�
Comment #13 Saturday, September 8, 2007 10:25 PM
I Bow to the Master of Screenshots ! Excellent work my friend !

Comment #14 Saturday, September 8, 2007 10:39 PM
Beautiful setup!

Glad you like the setup Richard!

For me it all starts with the wall!

And for some odd reason, your abstracts has a tendacy to somehow end up on my desk, time and time again!

Love your work Richard M, I do appreciate all you do!

Thanks for the kind words my friend!


�<--To Richard Mohler-->�

Comment #15 Saturday, September 8, 2007 11:35 PM
This is a fantastic shot Curtis!!��You absolutely kicked some butt with this one!��Your fly out is awesome!��The Plair...I mean player looks hot!��And you got four stars to boot!��Wow! The Screen Master has woven his spell once again and I'm mesmerized!���

Of course,screenie or not , I'm mesmerized anyway!
Comment #16 Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:15 AM

And I bow to your never ending encouragement Mike!�

It's great having you around again brother, that wall you just made is on hit!

I'm glad you enjoyed the concept, I'm still learning a few things and decided to do a little showing off!��This one's packed with some juice!

I hope all is well with you Az, you're changing avatars like your socks by the way dude!

Hollar at me soon Mike;



�<--To DaBadBoy-->�
Comment #17 Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:24 AM
Excellent set up CP - just perfect all around with Richards wall as the centerpiece

Comment #18 Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:34 AM
This is a fantastic shot Curtis!! You absolutely kicked some butt with this one! Your fly out is awesome! The Plair...I mean player looks hot! And you got four stars to boot! Wow! The Screen Master has woven his spell once again and I'm mesmerized!

�And a resounding hello-how do you do-thank you to the Queen Of Screen MsShenaynay!�

A lot of stuff goin' on in here huh?�

My attempt with this was to show usable customized access with live use! And I'll say it again, what you see here wasn't easy! But the challenge was fun!�

I just noticed the four stars there! WOW! That's some love, thanks guys!

As for the Alexis Xion, it's very pretty and extremely active with perpetual animation. But it renders the rest of my screen useless while it's open and running.

I only have 64mb of on-board memory for my video, so this player will have to wait until I build something stronger!

Cindy, you make me blush on every comment hon! You know that, don't you?!�

Thanks for the encouragement, I'm aiming high!


�<--To MsCindy-->�

Comment #19 Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:49 AM
you make me blush on every comment hon! You know that, don't you?!

Then, I've done my job.�
Comment #20 Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:53 AM
Excellent set up CP - just perfect all around with Richards wall as the centerpiece

�And a tremendous and most excellent thank you for making this shot possible MsFairyy!�

Richard's walls gives a guy like me unrestricted freedom to do what ever he wants! There's only what you want to see and there's no wrong way to approach it! It's weird!

But as in many times, it's your elements once again that gives it the color blended smarts MsKaren! There's a bit of you in a lot of my setups!

I do appreciate hearing from you MsKaren, thanks for all you give to us, you're priceless!


�<--To Dat Fairyy~ gal-->�

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