Wolverine v1.0
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Wolverine v1.0

Updated Oct 12, 2007 by unclerob

Comment #1 Monday, October 1, 2007 8:39 PM
wooooooooooooow yez wolverine one my favs cant wait for it
Comment #2 Tuesday, October 2, 2007 1:36 AM
Looks great - hard for me not to like " Wolverine" he was my oldest sons favourite Superhero - he is 25 now and would still love this.
Comment #3 Tuesday, October 2, 2007 12:17 PM
Awesome!!! I can't wait, maybe we'll get a double wammy of the FF and Wolverine at the same time!! One can only dream!!
Comment #4 Tuesday, October 2, 2007 2:43 PM
awesome. another great skin from Uncle Marvel....
Comment #5 Tuesday, October 2, 2007 5:12 PM
thanks guys, I'm glad you liked the preview, I know I liked the feedback!!! �
Both the ff4 skin and this wolverine wb (with a few substyles) should be coming soon.
Comment #6 Tuesday, October 2, 2007 11:25 PM
Looks Great unclerob!!�
Comment #7 Wednesday, October 3, 2007 12:18 AM
thank you Shenaynay for the great comment, I think I'm going to be changing the pic in the start panel, too much blood, I don't think it would get past moderation - I wasn't thinking properly when I picked this image. I'll have to look for something better to use. I'll probably keep this substyle and offer it on another site which wouldn't have a limit or restrictions on using graphic images (the pic of blood on wolverine's claws is very graphic) or by special request (email).
Comment #8 Wednesday, October 3, 2007 11:14 AM
Comment #9 Wednesday, October 3, 2007 11:21 AM

Uncle Rob, I think I love you! ��Keep these skins coming, you're making an old comic book fan very happy. ���
Comment #10 Wednesday, October 3, 2007 6:29 PM
unclerob, if you ever need help testing your WB's, I would love to help. Please let me know. My e-mail is gvatakis@sbcglobal.net. Also, I would love to have the grap[hic version of the Wolverine WB.
Comment #11 Wednesday, October 3, 2007 9:07 PM
little3211, it's nice to have fans, creating comic book themed wb skins was a natural progression for me since I'm an "old" (as in not young) comic book fan.
The revised start panel turned out even better than the first, I'll be uploading a new screenshot of the wb skin shortly, I think you will all like it.

Kostandine, I'll take you up on your offer, when I have most of this skin done, I'll email it to you and you can let me know what you think.
Comment #12 Friday, October 5, 2007 1:18 AM
I believe that this skin is the best and your work is freaking awesome. Thanks for letting me test your brand new skin, I'm using it now and is great . You said that it was 90 percent completed, well I think ready but your a perfectionist so we will wait till you perfect it your way. My opinion is that you should post it because there are going to be a lot of people going crazy for this wb I guarantee you.


THANK YOU So Much UncleRob
Comment #13 Friday, October 5, 2007 1:24 AM
I know for a fact that this isn't the "best skin ever" but I appreciate your enthusiasm, I'm glad you like it, I'm having a blast with it right now too, it's probably the funnest wb skin project I've worked on to date and on top of that it's not blue, the brown color of this skin really worked out well. Thanks again for testing it out for me!
Comment #14 Friday, October 5, 2007 12:44 PM
I don't know this charator but I like the desktop.... GREAT job unclerob.....���������
Comment #15 Tuesday, October 9, 2007 5:52 PM
thanks alot RoseNell,
wolverine is a comic book character in the marvel universe, he is a mutant and member of the X-Men superhero team.... and apparently very popular �
Comment #16 Friday, October 12, 2007 12:17 PM
Hope it's soon�
Comment #17 Friday, October 12, 2007 2:15 PM
unclerob, I am saying this as nice as can be. Please don't take this as a personal attack.

Updating a screenshot the way you did is just rude. You bump skins that people took hours and hours to redo off the front page and further down the list. It is an abuse of the feature in my honest opinion.

Also, you should read the terms and conditions on the Marvel site. They clearly state that the images that you are using are a violation of their terms and conditions.

Again, please don't think I am attacking you personally. I take "borrowing" of others work very serious as do the artists that drew those images. Simply saying where the images came from doesn't work. It doesn't matter if it is a commercial project or not. Read the terms and conditions. They are not debatable or open to any interpretation at all. They are clear.

All I can do is say what I said. You can choose to do as you wish.

Comment #18 Friday, October 12, 2007 3:26 PM
Night Train no offense taken but it's good to open this up for discussion because this can clear some things up for me that I may not be aware of. I updated the screenshot of my wb skin because the skin itself had been updated with some new features, I receive alot of feedback by email from users who are interested in the skin and I get alot of my ideas from them. I have seen other skin authors provide work in progress screenshots so I assumed that it was ok to do so. I wasn't aware that the screenshot gallery shouldn't used in this way, if this is the case I honestly meant no disrespect whatsoever and I apologize to you and any site users that felt that my actions harmed their fair use of the screenshot gallery.

As far as using artwork from the Marvel site, I hear what you're saying completely but I believe I'm still covered under fair use of fan art. If Marvel wanted to, they could request Stardock to remove my marvel comic book themed skins from the site. Plus I don't make any profit from my skins and technically even drawing a picture of marvel character on a piece of paper is technically considered a derivative work and would also violate the copyright/trademark restrictions in place. I don't believe what I'm doing is harming Marvel, in fact my skins probably spark up more interest in the subject matter and probably help send people to Marvel and influence buying decisions on some level. I had a discussion on this very topic with Jafo, Po and Alperium and Jafo agreed with me on the fair use of fan art and sited some examples of his own to backup this argument.

A previous comic book themed wb skin that I uploaded to the site, Captain America, would fall under the same area of fan art. The skin was featured in Island Dog's skins of the week column (May 4th, 2007) and I rec'd feedback from Zoomba himself saying the following:

Comment #9(Overseer) Zoomba
Apr 30, 2007 11:01 AM This is a great skin and a wonderful example of what you can do with WindowBlinds to create great fan-art. This is the sort of thing I'd imagine any comic book fan would love to have on their PC. Kudos for showing the skin in Windows Vista too!

If what I'm doing is wrong, I'm hoping that wc site administrators such as Island Dog, Jafo and Zoomba would correct me as well any other users and restrict the uploading of this type of material to the site. I'm an adult and I can take criticism in a mature fashion, I would hope that if what I did was wrong, they would say so and I would stop immediately.

I also hear what you're saying about borrowing other work because it's a serious issue. Again, if Marvel contacted me or the Wincustomize site and asked me to remove my comic book themed skins, I would do so without hesitation. I made no money from them and don't intend to anytime soon which is why the fair use policy allows this type of work to be uploaded to the site.

Also take into account that I submit skins that get approved by site moderators - nobody is forcing stardock/wincustomize to accept my skins. For that matter, there is a huge amount of comic book themed fan art skins on this site in various forms - I'm not the only person submitting skins with this type of material, and yet they are all being approved and uploaded for others to download & use from this site. Comic booked themed material is only a small portion of the fan art used on this site: technically pictures of people, movies (star trek, star wars), video games (ex. halo, jjying created a halo skin which contains some halo artwork), products, software, cars, using specific product names/brand names all falls into the same grey area of fair use in skin creation. As long as they're not being used to make a profit on this site, they likely won't be removed any time soon.

I respect your opinions NT, heck you are a master skin author and you've created an incredible collection of skins that I have used & admired so you definitely have a clue as to what you're talking about.

I will restrict my usage of the screenshot gallery as per your request and also because I didn't know what the policy on the screenshot gallery use was, again I'm sorry for any disrespect I've shown to you or other users of the screenshot gallery. I will however continue to submit comic book themed skins to the site until my skins are rejected by the moderators because of the reasons you have stated - I would also expect at that time that they would remove the rest of the comic book themed material and any other material that may be a copyright/trademark infringement, that would make it a fair policy that everyone could live with - especially myself.

Thank you for your comments & feedback.

Comment #19 Friday, October 12, 2007 3:43 PM
Unclerob, I wasn't referring to the screenshot gallery. I was referring to the recently updated list on the gallery front page. Of course the screenshot section is there for this reason. Perhaps just a new screenshot next time instead of checking the update option when uploading.

I, as well as many other members have a completely different opinion about the use of images than the staff of Wincustomize, The issue has been discussed and discussed. I can tell you that they are wrong in their interpretation of fan art. Making something yourself from scratch is fan art. Using someone elses images without permission is a copyright violation and the laws are not gray about this. The terms and conditions on the Marvel site are the law, not the Wincustomize staff. I understand why they let certain things through. They make the original artist ask for the work to be removed rather than protecting artists work. I don't blame them. They can't be omnipitent and know who made what. This is why I had to kindly say something. All I can do is raise the issue to the artists and hope they do the right thing by respecting the original artists work and getting permission before using it for some other purpose.
I am not saying that the staff of wincusomize is doing something wrong. They are just volunteers with limited time and can't chase down this stuff.

Suppose you took the Molten skin and altered it. Claimed it as fan art. Do you think the staff would allow it to be uploaded? Probably not right? Whats the difference between the molten skin and the images you are taking from the Marvel site? There isn't any difference. They are both works created by other artists.

Thanks for understanding.

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