Time Damage
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Time Damage

Updated Mar 23, 2010 by Chasbo

Comment #1 Tuesday, March 23, 2010 1:37 PM
Perfect shot once again, Chas!
Comment #2 Tuesday, March 23, 2010 3:02 PM
Comment #3 Tuesday, March 23, 2010 7:05 PM
sweet shot,,���������
Comment #4 Tuesday, March 23, 2010 7:08 PM
Thanks karmat.
Comment #5 Tuesday, March 23, 2010 7:09 PM
Thank you amitsaran
Comment #6 Tuesday, March 23, 2010 7:15 PM
Thanks madcat21. Didja notice that this was SSOTD for 12 hrs.? Now they gotta come up with SSOT1/2D! It's a whole new thing. Maybe there could be SSOT1/4D and SSOT1/8D too. Things move fast in Cyber Space especially at Stardock.
Comment #7 Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:05 PM
Thanks madcat21. Didja notice that this was SSOTD for 12 hrs.? Now they gotta come up with SSOT1/2D! It's a whole new thing. Maybe there could be SSOT1/4D and SSOT1/8D too. Things move fast in Cyber Space especially at Stardock.
HeHe......you're lucky it was
Comment #8 Wednesday, March 24, 2010 9:33 PM
HeHe......you're lucky it was
Whatever that means amitsaran. Where I come from remarks like that aren't very well taken and can get a fellow into a bit of a bind. I suggest you speak with respect. At any rate I don't understand why this shot was SSOTD for 10 hrs. I could see for a day like it says FOR A DAY. I'm not complaining, I've had my share of SSOTD's. This particular area of WC is messed up. Sometimes the same shot will be up for a week than something like this. WTF? I've seen this with other peoples shots as well. Perhaps a mod could explain this? I doubt anyone will. I think what WC should do is accept screenshots from say 9AM to 6PM every day and then put all those shots up for a vote to the whole community and the shot that gets the most votes is screenshot of the day. No stars, no downloads. True screenshot of the day. Then that shot would have to be up until the next day next vote. I'll bet there would be more shots and it would be more fun for all. Also no comments allowed. If I don't think a shot is very good or not my cup of tea I don't say anything. Let anybody who has an account here vote. Let the shots speak for themselves. The only problem I could see is how could you prevent people from stuffing the ballot box? How could you limit one vote per person per shot? That would be the major problem with this. I bet I'll get very little comment on this idea. Oh and amitsaran your comment is a good example of why no comments should be allowed.
Comment #9 Friday, March 26, 2010 7:47 PM
Well I uploaded a wall couple of weeks back and the lost it again due to a db loss. Lasted about 12hrs too. Lot of funny things goin' on here at WC at the mo, 2 sites and all that!! Lets hope they(WC staff)prevail. It's a GREAT SS Chasbo, luv it! �������
Comment #10 Saturday, March 27, 2010 10:37 PM
�that is very strange ,,i havent been on hear for a few weeks so havent notesed ,,but wc dose tend to go the way of the pear sometimes,,i gave you 5 stars for this one as i liked it alot,,like most of your shots ..�������

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