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Updated Nov 06, 2004 by Oo_NUKLEAR_oO

Comment #1 Saturday, November 6, 2004 7:15 AM
very nice setup - i love the meltdown windowblinds.
Sleeping Dragon
Comment #2 Saturday, November 6, 2004 8:20 AM
Love the megaton icons. They recolor very well. Nice shot.
Comment #3 Saturday, November 6, 2004 9:49 AM
love it, but how did make ur my computer and stuff with the glossy text, i downloaded them but cant figure it out, please give me some help love the shot aswell
Comment #4 Saturday, November 6, 2004 11:12 AM
than you for the comments guys they're appreciated. JPK69, you need DestopX To have those "icons"... they're more like objects, After you downloaded the Aero labels just place them on your desktop, click on the label to change its name, right click on the icon, go to properties. On the general tab, where it says "location" you can change the target for the shorcut. Then go to the States tab click on appearance, choose image and then just choose any .png or .ico file that you want it to be.. then choose the icon size. Make modifications on the diferent states untill you're pleased. Set the oven at 350� and cook for 20 minutes LOL also play around with the rest of the tabs to add some more cool effects. Oh and then just use IconX to hide all the regular icons on your desktop. So that's basicly it, hope that helps you
Comment #5 Saturday, November 6, 2004 9:19 PM
ok thank-you so much its much appreciated, i wanted 2 copy ur desktop:P since i love it so much!
Comment #6 Saturday, November 20, 2004 12:53 AM
nice shot NUK..them icons are off da hizzane
Comment #7 Monday, December 13, 2004 11:09 AM
helloo !!!

I love your MIXED Theme !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AwEsoME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congratulations dear Oo_Nucklear_oO !
But, I can't download some theme because Wincustomize has change all links....(for example the link for dock tabs is not the same !)
The themes I need, PLZ:

-Dock tabs
-Winamp ( I have searched in the wincustomize winamp section, but not find )
-DX labels

If you can't send them to me by e-mail, please give me the name of each of them or the nex link...

Moreever, I would like to know how have you change the Zippo symetrix color pleasssssssssse ?

I love this theme, please help me to download the rest ! thank !^^

My mail: fraisejaponaise3@hotmail.com
See you ^^
Comment #8 Thursday, December 16, 2004 3:57 AM
Sorry bout the links XiON here they are

Dock tabs Link
DX Labels Link
winamp Link

I used photo shop to change the hue of the background image. Just open the image with PS and go to Image/Adjustments/Hue and Saturation (or just press Ctrl+U) Then you can mess aroudn with it till you get the color you want. Thats basically it, if you need any more help let me know. Have fun!

Note: Recoloring a skin doesn't make it yours, so if you're planing on sharing it make sure you have the Original Authors' Permission.
Comment #9 Thursday, December 16, 2004 9:16 AM
( Sorry for My bad english, I amm french !!!)^^

Thanks you Nuclear !!!!!!!!!!!!

But, just one thing:

Your Winamp skin link send me to a page where there is a BLUE SKIN with big loudspeakers etc...
Whereas, on your beautiful screenshot,at the middle bottom, there is a "TV screen" with fire wihtin, and it's write: "Wohooo" (I think)...is the right winamp skin that you give me, please ??????

Thank you a loooooooooooooooooooooot !^^
See you ! ++
mail: fraisejaponaise3@hotmail.com
Comment #10 Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:20 AM
That is the same skin, it has 3 modes, just download it, and run it, you'll see a little button that says "mode" If you right click on it it will bring up a menu where you can chose what mode you want, there is a shade mode wich is just a really small player and then there's the stick mode (the one i used for the screen shot) once you're on that mode just right click pretty much anyhwere to bring up the winamp menu and there you will see the "color themes" option. Click on it to bring up the list and ther you can choose the one you like (i used the one called HeXbux) and for the window on top, that's just the visualizations window, again just right click on the player to bring up the menu and then go to visualization/start-stop plug in. That will start the AVS if its not running. Your migth not look like mine because it changes so I cant really help you there, you can right click on the vis window to select betweent diferent types of AVS. Mos
Comment #11 Saturday, December 18, 2004 1:27 AM
OK !!!!!!!!
THANKS YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY VERY MUCH !^^
see you !^^

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