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Updated Jul 29, 2002 by d00d

Comment #1 Monday, July 29, 2002 12:09 PM
Nice wallpaper!! And what WindowBlind skin is that?? or is it Style XP?? It looks good. Now all you need is icons to match and your set!!
Comment #2 Monday, July 29, 2002 12:47 PM
its a wall by shinter, and i liked it so much i wanted to make skin for it which is in development, but who i @ first wanted to use for personal use only but m8 of mine sayd FFS put it on WCU so im asking you guys hsall i or not ? cause my 1st skin was a bit of a flop not many ppl replied
Comment #3 Monday, July 29, 2002 2:45 PM
dood, this is very sleek and stylish. Its a bit hard to see where the task bar ends and the wallpaper begins in the screenshot, unless you're actually trying for that effect.

On the windows, I think it might look a bit better if the window titelbar columns were just a tad rounder to match shape of the start menu.

Also consider adding s similar red section to the bottom of the windows with similar rounded edges. It doesn't have to be really thick. Just enough to capture the flavor you've got going on with the start menu.

Just my opinions
Comment #4 Monday, July 29, 2002 2:53 PM
ill take that in notice thx
Comment #5 Wednesday, July 31, 2002 3:42 AM
I agree with Chris. Another route you can go is to make the WindowBlind have... well lets say the gray in the start menu was a transparancy, you could have that same look in the windowblind.

I always like to use always on top so if you could put that in I can say you would at least get 1 download.

Transparencies are your friend!!! 255, 0, 255 (or is it 256?) Magic!!!

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