Magma Visual Suite
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Magma Visual Suite

Updated Jan 11, 2005 by bubbabyte

Comment #1 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:02 PM
I really like the look of that shellstyle, the colors are great and I like that start menu, a bit different but looks good, would look good compact too...very nice job
Comment #2 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:07 PM
I know u have to make a living, but there are plenty of artistic skinners around that show their talents for offense, and I'm not cheap, but I have no need to pay for it....very nice looking suite tho
Comment #3 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 7:24 PM
Its very nice, great color, but im with boss ... I'm too lazy to fill out credit info to get a blind when there are so many right here for free that are top quality. is great work
Comment #4 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 11:34 PM
i don't see him asking for any comments about the skin being a premium skin, do you? if you like or dislike the skin, fine. there's no need to criticize the man for selling a skin. joey, congrats on the baby, dude.
Comment #5 Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:52 AM
I didn't criticize him, check my comment #1. I then checked the link he provided and commented that I wouldn't buy it, but that it was a very nice looking suite....I have no problem with him running a business or not saying that it was a premium skin...I like it alot and would use it, but I personally see no need to buy it when there are so many great ones around here from some wonderful skinners that I don't have to pay for...thanks for listening
Comment #6 Thursday, January 13, 2005 1:49 AM
" there's no need to criticize the man for selling a skin "

~I don't see anyone critisizing anything. We both said his skin looked great. And I have purchased skins, icons etc. But, you can't really tell if something is what you want until you apply the skin. If he wants to sell his work, by all means, feel free to..but he could provide a link to something he has done that can be applied for free to demonstrate his work.
Comment #7 Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:54 PM
setup is really nice
Comment #8 Thursday, January 13, 2005 9:38 PM
thanks for all the comments guys... i dont mind at all if any of you critisize the fact that i'm selling it, or give me your opinions on it, only when they get mean and/or personal, which they have not. I can respect all of your opinions and if you haven't already checked there are many free themes that i have made on my site.

Thanks for all your comments.
Comment #9 Friday, January 14, 2005 4:58 PM
Then I'll have to check them out when I get a chance....believe me i understand how much work goes into making these themes...
Comment #10 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 2:50 AM
Theme has been updated with many bugfixes and a new blue color scheme complete with blue icons, wallpapers and toolbar. Anyone who purchased the theme, please contact for a download link for the new release.
Visit [URL=]HERE[/URL] for screenshot of new style and information.

Thank you.

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