Amanites de l'espace :)
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Amanites de l'espace :)

Updated Dec 26, 2002 by -=k6=-

French Desktop in Windows XP Pro (with Windows Blinds, Icon Packager, Cursor XP, SysMetrix...).

@st@l@vist@ and => To be continued... ;)

Comment #1 Thursday, August 15, 2002 3:50 PM
what wallpaper is that? and where can i get it
Digital Daze
Comment #2 Thursday, November 28, 2002 11:49 AM
nice screenshot eznow, that wall can be found here: just happens to be the same wall i'm using for my desktop screenshot here right now. one of my all-time favs
Comment #3 Thursday, November 28, 2002 12:27 PM
The link to download the wallpaper is

Comment #4 Monday, December 9, 2002 8:29 PM
Please, can you tell me the WindowBlinds name and where to get it?
Comment #5 Monday, December 16, 2002 9:37 AM
The WindowBlinds theme is only for the start menu and the task bar, the rest is with : icon packager, Cursor XP, Sysmetrix, etc...

The name of the WindowBlinds theme is : ChaNinja !

Comment #6 Friday, December 27, 2002 9:35 AM
It is not a WindowBlinds theme at all, it is a Style XP visual style titled ChaNinja RC3, by ChaNinja.
Comment #7 Friday, February 7, 2003 4:23 AM
C'est ce que je vient de dire BOULAY... le theme Window Blinds ne modifie que la barre Demarrer et les styles de fenetre... apprends � lire *LOL*
Et j'avais deja donn� le nom du theme, alors pas la peine de faire le perroquet (r�p�tes Jacquot... LOL)

Ps : Sorry for the post in French language:p

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