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File Size: .54MB
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Updated May 09, 2004 by three_4me

Comment #1 Tuesday, January 14, 2003 8:10 AM
Comment #2 Tuesday, January 14, 2003 10:09 AM
Nice. Glad you like it.
Comment #3 Tuesday, January 14, 2003 11:14 AM
Big Doug
Comment #4 Tuesday, January 14, 2003 1:47 PM

Thanks again essorant for another very good WinStyles theme.
Big Doug
Comment #5 Tuesday, January 14, 2003 1:48 PM
er, scuse me. Three_4me. My apologies.
Sleep deprivation is a mother****** ....
Comment #6 Thursday, January 16, 2003 9:15 AM
one question: is the calendar on the desktop a static one? or is there any skinnable tool for creating calendars on desktop?

Comment #7 Thursday, January 16, 2003 9:42 AM
The calendar is Rainlendar ( and it is skinnable. I believe you can get other skins at Deskmod and Deviantart.

ole hansen
Comment #8 Friday, January 17, 2003 11:33 AM
wath program do i need to get the skin to work it looks wery cool
Comment #9 Friday, January 17, 2003 1:05 PM
ole hansen - there are 3 skins in this suite, to use them you can download the trial of WinStyles here:

Once you've installed WinStyles you can download this suite and it will prompt you to automatically download the software for WindowBlinds, IconPackager and CursorXP needed for this theme.

Comment #10 Sunday, January 19, 2003 9:59 PM
sry im a noob!

how do i get this *.suite into a "regular" winxp-theme?
Comment #11 Friday, January 24, 2003 7:16 AM
I can't figure it out. When I try to apply this WinStyle, it just sits there, saying contacting, and that's it. (
Comment #12 Friday, January 24, 2003 11:45 AM
Riggs - Are you getting to the internet through a firewall? I know that for some reason I can't apply .suites through my works firewall. Not exactly sure what causes it, but it's worth checking out ... late
Comment #13 Tuesday, January 28, 2003 8:43 AM that screenshot correct??? I've just installed the suite and it looks quite different. I got the desktop icons and a bar on the hole left side of the screen with a lot of buttons, meters and a clock. No task bar either...

Wrong package???
Comment #14 Tuesday, January 28, 2003 8:57 AM
Hmm...I found the updated chiffre (not this one) with the correct screenshot.

But do you have _this_ one still available? Looks great on the preview and I would really like to try it...
popo salado
Comment #15 Saturday, February 15, 2003 7:14 PM
how a can use this skin if anybody know please tell me
my mail is
Comment #16 Thursday, June 3, 2004 9:41 AM
it looks simple
Comment #17 Monday, March 10, 2008 9:36 AM
All that Applies in the suit is the wall? What is going on? It isnt doing anything or downlaoding anything? Message on my page PLEASE! I love the look in the preview. Thanks in advance

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