Andromeda (Master TM SuiteUpdated Jun 10, 2012 by Philly0381 |
Comment #3 Monday, June 11, 2012 1:39 AM
Great fun and much more honor to be part of the stunning Andromeda Master Suite ! Many thanks Philly !
Comment #5 Monday, June 11, 2012 11:58 AM
Thank you frankell for making the dock, a different look from the rest.
Comment #9 Monday, June 11, 2012 10:12 PM
Wazzzaaaaaaaa, that's a big sceenshot indeed
Well done Philly
Comment #10 Monday, June 11, 2012 11:04 PM
Thank you neophil78, it's all because of the great skinners and their talent.
Comment #11 Tuesday, June 12, 2012 8:50 AM
what a mammoth job on those screenies!!.... wonderful job Philly, thanks....
Comment #15 Saturday, August 4, 2012 6:59 PM
This Windowblind is the easiest creation to work with I've ever used!!!! There are no hidden fields or areas turned so dark they're impossible to see. It is just user friendly in every aspect and other people should really take notice of how their creations compare. I use this all day at work so maybe I have more different needs than other people, but this is just what I needed. And all the other contributions just make it that much better. I even figured out how to make a matching Winstep theme I liked this one so much. Thanks again!
Comment #16 Sunday, December 23, 2012 5:24 PM
By Uvah
22. SysMetrix is Andromeda
By WebGizmos
23. Andromeda Xtreme (Grunge version)
24. Andromeda Xtreme (Clean version)
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Comment #1 Sunday, June 10, 2012 10:26 PM
Nice stuff by all. Philly, great job!