Prairie School Horizontal
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Prairie School Horizontal

Updated Feb 18, 2004 by dabe

Shameless Designs
Comment #1 Wednesday, February 18, 2004 9:14 PM
I love the concept of this theme. You've done real justice to the Prairie School style in my opinion. The colors work well together. and your interpretation stays true to the original while adapting quite well for this purpose.

I understand what you were going for in re legibility, and your choice of fonts is clean and readable. But at 1280 x 960 resolution or higher, high enough to fit this on the screen, I think some of your font sizes are a bit small. I'm also wondering about your choice to alpha blend the clock hands at 50%.. makes them seem a bit fuzzy to me. Though that might just be my old eyes.

My guess is that you borrowed the .ini file from another skin and modified it for this purpose, which is not a bad way to learn and start in general. I would suggest deleting entries that don't work for you rather than positioning them off the page (eg Weather-Pressure, Clock numbers, etc.) or making them otherwise functionally disappear (eg Second hand length=0, width=0).

I don't mean to sound hypercritical. If you'd like some advice or help on the coding, I'd be happy to help. I really like the skin and think you have promise. Keep at it!
Comment #2 Thursday, February 19, 2004 12:02 AM
~ As one who has a screen res of 1280x1024 I can understand what SD is saying about font size. Aside from that, I like it very much. I only use top-bar skins for SysMetrix and this one is laid out nicely and I really like the color scheme.

~ Great job for a first submission!!
Comment #3 Thursday, February 19, 2004 6:43 AM
I like this one. It isnt the same old tired gloss look alike. I agree with the comments about scn res. It looks like this is intended for 1280X1024? But the fonts are more suited for 800x600? I give you an 8 for originality and a 5 for technical.
Comment #4 Thursday, February 19, 2004 7:37 AM
Skinschiz, I don't think gloss is old. Overdone, maybe. But not old. But, thing is, I dunno how to accomplish that effect yet. Thanks for the 8 rating. Right now, originality and design mean more to me than technical ability, cuz that's where it's all at. As for fonts, well I kinda knew that would be an issue, but Jafo felt I should upload anyway. My 17" screen has 1280x1024 res, but with the fonts enlarged. It would have made for some funky results.

Nomad, I only use top bars these days also. I'm now working on a new one, very different than this, but laid out similarly. Glad you like it.

Shameless, your comments really mean a lot to me. As I said above, I knew the fonts would be an issue. Good thing, they are so customizable, so the bar itself is what I was aiming for. And yes, I did borrow the .ini file, from SS GOKU. I didn't know what I was doing, and I used one of his skins as a jumping off platform. Ya gotta learn somewhere. I've got a new one going now, and I've started from scratch. I know the font thing will be an issue though. Any suggestions? I guess I'll have to change the screen res at times, just to see what it looks like at other resolutions. Thanks for your offer for help. I just may be taking you up on it.
Shameless Designs
Comment #5 Thursday, February 19, 2004 8:40 PM

Anything I can do to help, just let me know. My email is on my profile. I am also available on ICQ, AOL/AIM, or Yahoo Messenger, and I check the boards here most nights.

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