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Updated Jul 06, 2004 by G7_DAWNFIRE

Comment #1 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 10:19 PM
wow this is a terrible skin, i have never seen such an ugly skin, go seatch for more guys, dont waste ur time here!
Jerry LeDoux
Comment #2 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 11:58 PM
Where does the sound file go? I think the skin is interesting. I don't like it as much as your previous version, but I do like what you're trying to do with Sysmetrix skins.
Alternate Setting
Comment #3 Wednesday, July 7, 2004 1:05 AM
As jerry LeDoux says - its interesting. Takes up more screen space than I would want to commit to sysmetrix and the wallpaper you chose adds to the cluttered feeling in the screenshot. But for some people it might be just what the doctor ordered.
Jamie Macdonald
Comment #4 Tuesday, July 13, 2004 10:31 AM
Not my kinda thing g7 .. i like things i can have on the side and still use windows (use as sidebar and still see stats while working(after all seeing what ya pc is doing while ya doing nothing is a lil strange)) ..but none the less nice to see something different
Comment #5 Thursday, August 5, 2004 8:28 AM
To Jerry: sorry about the wait for your reply as i have been very busy lately, i keep the sound file in the skin folder and browse to it to it and that stay's in ini.file
Comment #6 Thursday, August 5, 2004 8:31 AM
The jpg, shown here is wrong, this jpg. is the G7_DF_Green that i uploaded yesterday, i do not know how this happened.If any ones knows, please leave a message and i will look back here and hope i can correct this.
Comment #7 Tuesday, August 10, 2004 8:57 PM
jpg now currently showing the right skin

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