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Updated Mar 30, 2005 by jalentorn

Comment #1 Wednesday, March 30, 2005 7:43 PM
Very nice complement to the suite
Comment #2 Thursday, March 31, 2005 3:43 PM
Thank you again Apocalypse 67
Space Dude
Comment #3 Friday, April 1, 2005 4:35 AM
Hi there Jalentorn,

Why is it that this SM png and bmp pictures files, do sync with eachother?

When I open SM and click to this Rainlendar, both picture files are not viewed as they should. They do not Overlap correct? And I have small error message viewed asying that there are files missing: To do, etc....??

May you can tell, if posibble?

Comment #4 Friday, April 1, 2005 4:49 AM
Before anything else, install the last available versions of both applications. If not yet they work him, tell it to me, we will look for the solution.
Space Dude
Comment #5 Saturday, April 2, 2005 4:40 AM
Hi there Jalentorn,

I have both in lastest versions. As well, SM and Rainlendar. In Rainlendar, I have message windows saying I am missing all sort of files: TO DO, ....etc..???
They Both will not scyn/overlap eachother as they should. I only see 3/4 of the picture images of both. But further, I like you whole WB skin and its addons..
Comment #6 Saturday, April 2, 2005 9:07 AM
Your problem is enigmatic. But we will check a thing. First uninstall Sysmetrix and Rainlendar and you install them in their last versions again. Then you indicate me your email address and I will send you directly the files for if the error could be of discharge. Indicate me in that disk unit has installed the Rainlendar, because I will configure you the code file with that path. If after all that not yet works, to my I am no longer happened nothing else to solve it. Greetings.
Space Dude
Comment #7 Saturday, April 2, 2005 2:40 PM
Hi there Jalentorn,

The problem is not my SM or Rainlendar. All other skins do fine; except for acouple more. But in general all other skins do fine. So, it seems..that there is problems with the skins that are made which produce these errors. But thanks anyways...
Comment #8 Sunday, April 3, 2005 10:18 AM
Comment #9 Saturday, April 9, 2005 9:37 PM
I also have latest version of SM, WinCustomize Browser, and all other parts of my Suite and after downloading this skin experience the same. "Aguiles may not be a valid theme as no background file can be found" is the error when applying this skin. I looked at the Sysmetrix.ini and it points to Graphics_BG.png and it is in the folder but only one half of the skin is displayed and it is off center. I also have lots of other SysMetrix skins that work just fine. Alas my Aguiles theme is not complete without a good working SysMetrix skin. Thank you for skinning..
Comment #10 Sunday, April 10, 2005 6:08 AM
machinehd, you ned the Development Version Build 3.32

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