Attacker SM Pack
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Attacker SM Pack

Updated Sep 12, 2010 by neophil78

Comment #1 Sunday, September 12, 2010 8:39 PM

Thanks for all your Attacker skins.

Comment #2 Monday, September 13, 2010 2:48 PM

My pleasure

Comment #3 Tuesday, September 14, 2010 10:03 AM

Hello, my friend. You sure have been busy on this suite....

Some notes:

Well designed
Use of information is straight forward

Recyle bin, Email and clock look bad. Very choppy looking (No antialising)
Using english 1280, mute button doesn't work
User name, in upper lefthand corner seem out of place and unneeded info

I hope this has been more helpful than discouraging.

Comment #4 Tuesday, September 14, 2010 10:39 AM

Bad:Recyle bin, Email and clock look bad. Very choppy looking (No antialising)[

Yep i know, probably due to the recoloring stage

Using english 1280, mute button doesn't work

Yes it does, you have to double click on it

User name, in upper lefthand corner seem out of place and unneeded info

It's more to match with Weather widget Zipcode and Rainlendar month, than as a usefull info

Comment #5 Tuesday, September 14, 2010 12:07 PM

you have to double click on it

Nope. Been years, since I've worked on these, so I'll figure it out.

Just wondering, why does the recycle bin have a huge red dot on it. Looks like it's from Japan.

Comment #6 Tuesday, September 14, 2010 2:07 PM

you have to double click on itNope. Been years, since I've worked on these, so I'll figure it out.Just wondering, why does the recycle bin have a huge red dot on it. Looks like it's from Japan.

I assure you double click on it is really muting (NTW the cursor doesn't change aspect when pointing it)

you have to double click on itNope. Been years, since I've worked on these, so I'll figure it out.Just wondering, why does the recycle bin have a huge red dot on it. Looks like it's from Japan.

It's to not leave the image as the original Camouflage bin

Comment #7 Tuesday, September 14, 2010 3:38 PM

When the red dot goes away and you're left with the pressed state, that usually means it's activated.
Trust me, it's not working for me, but it's not a major issue. I'm on Vista, so that might be the problem.
In all the years, since sysmetrix has been out, I've never been able to get the mute or volume control to work.
Either on mine or anyone else's.

As for the bin....

Comment #8 Tuesday, September 14, 2010 7:09 PM

When the red dot goes away and you're left with the pressed state, that usually means it's activated.Trust me, it's not working for me, but it's not a major issue. I'm on Vista, so that might be the problem.In all the years, since sysmetrix has been out, I've never been able to get the mute or volume control to work.Either on mine or anyone else's.As for the bin....

Well you're stubborn, since i'm doing Sysmetrix skins i always did it the same way for the mute button and it always work fine as said. The color won't change unless you'll double click it, and when it change to grey you're mute. It's not the same type of button as Weather one or Toggle icons etc ... this one is a dual state image as email image or recycle bin image, which are going same way: when you double click on them they're launching email client / empty bin ...

Comment #9 Tuesday, September 14, 2010 7:40 PM

Neo, I think we may have a language problem here. I never once asked you "how to mute the skin".
No offence, but that is a mute point. Pun intended.
It not hard, for me to figure out. All I have to do it open the configuration and see that it's a dual state image. You know I've skinned these before, right?

I was just wondering why the mute and volume control, has never worked on any of my machines. XP, Vista and Win7. So, I'm thinking it has to do with how my machines are set up.
Whether I do them, you do them or anyone else does them, they have never worked for me.
Since you said it's working on your machine, then I have to guess it's just me.

Over all, I like the skin. I can still use it. Like I said, it's not that major.....

Comment #10 Wednesday, September 15, 2010 12:04 AM

OK guys I was getting a kick at your discourse but I think I know what is going on here. First a question. Is not sysmetrix configured to work with winamp? I know when I downloaded this skin double clicking on the mute button would not control system muting, windows media player muting or even xion. I just installed winamp and sure enough I can now mute my vollume.

Comment #11 Wednesday, September 15, 2010 7:24 AM

I think I know what is going on here. First a question. Is not sysmetrix configured to work with winamp?

The skin is not configured specifically to work with Winamp, but yep since ever i always used Winamp as defaut media player too.

If you're effectivly right, it's a weird thing to submit directly to Xymantix i think

Comment #12 Wednesday, September 15, 2010 8:26 AM

No I was not talking just about your skin. I am talking about the program itself.

 Here I got this from the sysmetrix site.  "SysMetrix uses the WinAmp2 API to control media players, so currently the supported players are WinAmp2, WinAmp5, QCD Player, CoolPlayer, and Foobar 2000"

Comment #13 Wednesday, September 15, 2010 2:45 PM

No I was not talking just about your skin. I am talking about the program itself. 

That's what i understood

Comment #14 Sunday, November 7, 2010 10:36 PM

great job

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