Updated Aug 03, 2012 by
This is Objectbar for Sysmetrix:
I've always wanted one like this. One I could use to call up whatever app or utility I need at the time. It does have the usual...text editor, control panel, etc. The six buttons on the left call up the media player, which, in this case is not winamp! With all the excellent skins for Xion I thought it only appropriate that be the default player for sysmetrix, so it is. Press the power button to call up Xion. The Utilities button calls up a module where you can access your antivirus programs, mine are MalwareBytes and Threatfire Couldn't find the .exe for MSE). Below that are two more buttons for Utilities such as CCleaner and Glary Utilities. You can pick and choose whichever one you'd like. Just open the configuration window and look for the buttons marked 'external program' (you'll find them under interactive buttons). To the right is a tiny gray circle. Click on that to browse for the app you want. Once you find the .exe, click on it and sysmetrix will do the rest. The Apps module I use to call up Photoshop, Gimp amd Corel. See below for instructions on how to change it to your own graphics program. The button for the internet calls up another module and from there you can open your browser of choice, mine is Firefox. It gives you an idea as to how much is going out and coming in (upload, download) as well as the Network state, on or off. The Info button: It has five modules. Two show the drives, both used and free space. On the used module there are three buttons, from the top; Toggle icons, control panel and explorer. On the second module are the start menu, text editor and screen saver. It also gives you the machine name and the OS version. The third module lists the number of cpus and the usage, the fourth one shows the memory usage and the fifth one has the free space on your drives and the bin button is for, duh, the recycle bin. The single button empties it. I did add a dual state image for the weather. The small window under under 'Weather' shows a bright somewhat cloudy sky and at night, it changes at six am and six pm, it shows a starry sky. Credit goes to three of my favorite skinners, Xiandi, vStyler and RedneckDude for the inspiration I got to make the buttons. Check my post in the forums, I made a button. I hope you guys enjoy Objectbar for Sysmetrix.
Comment #1 Sunday, August 5, 2012 1:13 PM
Congraulation on the feature Uvah.